No Matter What (The Billionaires of Sawgrass #4) - Delaney Cameron Page 0,66

I always had hope even when it seemed like your entire body was stuck in the sand along with your head. I gotta go. The timer went off on my potatoes. Have fun at your party. If anything exciting happens, please don’t keep it to yourself.”

If anything exciting happened, he probably wouldn’t want to.

* * * * *

Kait’s parents held their 4th of July parties at Sand Crane Park. Along with winding trails perfect for lazy strolls (and bird watching, if one was so inclined), there was an outdoor theater, a kid’s area, a labyrinth, and a large pavilion with picnic tables and grills.

Everyone assumed Reece was Robin’s boyfriend. After several attempts to set the record straight, she gave up. No one was buying it, something she was positive she had Kait to thank for.

While the women organized the food, the men played a pick-up game of football. After a half hour in the late afternoon sun, the shirts started coming off. Wolf whistles rang out from the pavilion. Reece still had his on when Robin agreed to Owen’s increasingly-urgent pleas to go to the playground.

The wooden playset nestled in the shade of towering live oak trees resembled a cavalry fort with its four towers connected by swinging bridges. It didn’t take much persuasion on Owen’s part to get Robin to join him. Some of her fondest memories from childhood were the hours she spent on the jungle gym during recess and while she waited to be picked up from school.

She was starting down one of the wavy, bright yellow slides when she noticed Reece walking toward them. Feeling ridiculous, she continued to the bottom and quickly shot to her feet, fully aware that she was as disheveled as Owen. Her motto had long been ‘when all else fails, act as if everything is normal’. Summoning a smile, she nonchalantly brushed back the strands of hair that had escaped her ponytail.

“Is the game over already?” she asked him.

Reece laughed. “No, but I’ve had enough for one day. I could hear my bones creaking.”

She rolled her eyes at the notion that Reece wasn’t in as good - if not better - shape than anyone out there. “You appeared to be holding your own and then some.”

“It’s called trying not to embarrass myself.” He smiled over at Owen. “How would you like to have one of these at your house?”

“It would be super duper!”

Robin laughed. “I agree, but it would take up our whole backyard. Do you mind keeping an eye on Owen while I run back to get some water? We’ve already gone through the one bottle I brought.”

“Go ahead. Owen and I will be fine.”

The scene at the pavilion was much as it had been when Robin left earlier.

Kait looked her up and down, a provocative grin forming on her lips. “What happened to you?”

“I’ve been reliving my childhood.”

“Is that all? I thought maybe Reece had something to do with your overheated appearance.”

“The ninety degree weather is responsible for that. I came for more water.”

“In case you were wondering, he never took off his shirt. Much to the disappointment of several wives and girlfriends present.”

Robin chuckled. “The day isn’t over yet. He might still do it.” She reached into the closest cooler and pulled out two water bottles. “Text me when it’s time to eat.”

“Will do.”

When Robin returned to the playground, she was surprised to see Owen preparing to cross the monkey bars. No amount of coaxing on her part had succeeded in getting him anywhere near them.

Reece was positioned in front of Owen, giving out instructions and a steady stream of encouragement. Feeling as if one word from her might halt the proceedings, she sank down on the nearest bench to watch.

“You’re doing great, champ,” Reece was saying. “Now you need to step off the bar.”

“I-I can’t.”

“Yes, you can. I won’t let you fall.”

First one, and then the other foot left the bar.

“On the count of three,” Reece said, “I’m going to let go of your waist. You hold on as long as you can. When you feel yourself starting to slip, let me know and I’ll catch you.”

Owen’s head tilted downward.

“Keep those eyes on the prize, buddy. Are you ready?”

“Y-yes.” Owen’s voice wavered a little.

“Here we go. One…two…three. I’m letting go now. Hold on tight.” Reece dropped his hands from Owen’s waist.

Robin held her breath.

Five or six seconds passed before Owen said urgently, “I’m slipping.”

Reece immediately put his arms around Owen’s legs. “You can let go. I’ve got Copyright 2016 - 2024