No Matter What (The Billionaires of Sawgrass #4) - Delaney Cameron Page 0,5

with Wade?”

“It never happened. He didn’t get back from Tampa in time. He’s making it up to me tonight. We have reservations at the Alhambra dinner theater.”

“He definitely knows the way to your heart. Did you see the pictures Trina Farmer posted on Instagram of her trip to Paris? That’s the closest I’ll ever get to the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame Cathedral or the Louvre.”

“You and me both.”

Kait sent her a teasing glance. “You can’t include yourself in that. Not anymore. Your chances of traveling the world have risen considerably since you met Wade. His mother is married to a billionaire.”

“I’m not sure how that’s going to help Wade.”

“It certainly can’t hurt. If my stepfather had that kind of money, I’d be hitting him up for a loan. My checking account is on life support.”

Robin grinned as they crossed the newly-constructed pedestrian bridge. “I told you not to buy those Prada shoes.”

“We can’t all be as disciplined as you. When Neiman Marcus put them on sale, I lost my head. I’ll be forced to live on bread and water for the next six weeks.”

“Thank goodness you have a friend who won’t let that happen.”

They entered the hospital lobby and inquired about Dr. Laramie’s room number at the information desk. After a short ride in the elevator, they were stepping out on the fourth floor. The first thing Robin noticed was a pair of mile-wide shoulders. Even though the owner was facing away from her, she had no problem recognizing Mr. Wonderful. Hollis was doing what he did best: flirting with a pretty brunette in blue scrubs. Robin hoped he wouldn’t see her. If she never spoke to him again, it would be too soon.

Just as she and Kait passed by, he laughed. It wasn’t so loud as to be out of place in their surroundings, but it was enough to turn every female head within ten yards of the nurses’ station. Something wasn’t right. That surprisingly-attractive rumble of laughter wasn’t the one she’d heard yesterday. A quick, sideways glance at the man’s profile confirmed her error. It wasn’t Hollis. That could only mean…

Kait’s elbow dug into her side. “Did you see who that was?”

The awe in her voice had Robin fuming inwardly. Was she the only woman on the planet who wasn’t bowled over by the likes of Reece Diamond? Money and looks didn’t make the man, and he hadn’t had to work for either one. He’d been born rich and handsome. That wasn’t to say she didn’t appreciate his military service, but it didn’t make up for his callous attitude toward women.

Undeterred by Robin’s silence, Kait went on. “He’s even more gorgeous in person. I wonder if that nurse is his girlfriend.”

“She’s probably one of many,” Robin said dampingly. “I don’t see Reece Diamond limiting himself.”

Kait either didn’t hear or chose to ignore the sarcasm running through Robin’s voice. “You’ll probably be meeting him before long. I can’t imagine anything more exciting.”

How could two people view the same situation so differently? “I hate to be the voice of reason, but Wade and Reece don’t hang out together. They’re opposites in almost every way.”

Kait was temporarily dashed by this information, but she made a quick recovery. “What about holidays and birthdays? They must get together then.”

Robin had no idea, and said so. Their arrival at Dr. Laramie’s room prevented further discussion. His pleasure in their visit warmed Robin’s heart. It also gave her something more pleasant to think about than Reece Diamond.

An hour later, she and Kait were hard at work in the kitchen of Truly Scrumptious. The shop wasn’t open to customers on Sundays, but in order to keep up with the Monday-morning rush, they did the bulk of the baking the day before. It was a routine with which they were familiar. For five years, they’d worked side by side in the bakery of a grocery store. That experience had done more than cement their friendship. It had also laid the groundwork for them to strike out on their own.

After a rough first year, during which it looked as if they’d bitten off more than they could chew, their customer base began to grow. These days they were fast reaching the point where they had more business than they could handle. It was a good problem to have. It meant they were doing something right.

Chapter Three

Reece took a drink from the frosted glass Aunt Leigh handed him. No one would guess she’d be turning fifty-eight in a few Copyright 2016 - 2024