No Matter What (The Billionaires of Sawgrass #4) - Delaney Cameron Page 0,49

We don’t know the real story.”

“We’ll never know if you keep hem-hawing around. Staying away is reinforcing the idea that Wade was the only connection between you and Robin. What you want is for her to think of you as separate from Wade. The way to do that is to keep in contact with her, not drop off the face of the earth.”

Reece laughed. “I hadn’t thought about it that way.”

“That’s because you’re too busy bending over backwards trying not to look like a wolf. It’s not necessary. You’re a beagle, remember?”

“If I agree with your assessment, will you promise to bury the animal analogies?”

“Not yet. I’m having too much fun with it.”

* * * * *

The weather couldn’t have been better for the Memorial Day weekend festivities. Along with a brisk onshore breeze, there were just enough clouds in the sky to keep the temperature hovering in the low-eighties.

Robin and Kait were thrilled to have the opportunity to introduce their business to a large number of potential new customers. For the occasion, they’d decided to go with cake pops. Although more time consuming to prepare, they’d been easier to transport and serve in an outdoor setting. Cake pops also made it possible to showcase a wider variety of flavors, which in itself was a form of advertisement.

Everyone was glad to have the move to the house on Miramar Lane behind them. There were still some boxes in the living room waiting to be unpacked, but for all intents and purposes, they were settled in. The larger living space was appreciated by all, but the thing they were enjoying the most was the easy access to the beach. The three of them had formed the habit of taking a walk after dinner. They were frequently joined in this activity by Miles.

In spite of Robin’s recent disappointment (or maybe because of it), she was enjoying her role of interested spectator to the budding romance between Kait and Miles. The former was doggedly determined not to be swept off her feet. The latter was equally tenacious in his desire to make that as difficult as possible. In Robin’s mind, the writing was all but written on the wall.

“Ten minutes to go,” Kait said from beside her, “and we’ve only got a dozen cake pops left. “I call that a planning and execution success.”

“Don’t forget the three bridal consults we booked. This was well worth staying up until two in the morning. It was nice of Miles to volunteer to watch Owen for us. Be sure to give him a kiss from me tonight.”

Kait rolled her eyes. “Let’s not go overboard here. Spending an afternoon playing carnival games for Dollar Store prizes isn’t exactly a punishment for Miles. You should have seen him earlier at the bean bag toss. It would have been hard to tell which one was the six-year-old.”

“What’s the deal with the job at the Corps of Engineers?”

“He’s hoping to hear something this week. In the meantime, he’s got another interview lined up with a private engineering firm downtown.” Her glance slid past Robin. “Here they come now, looking like they won the lottery.”

Robin swung around in time to see Owen bearing down on her.

“Aunt Robin!” he yelled. “Miles won this double barrel marshmallow blaster. It’s just like the ones we saw at Wal-Mart. He had to make ten free throws in a row. He did it on the first try.”

Robin laughed. “Wow! I couldn’t do it if they gave me fifty tries.”

Kait looked at Miles. “Are you going to tell them or should I?”

He sat down on the edge of the table and gazed up at her soulfully. “I leave it to you, my wild pink rose.”

This was one of several nicknames he had for Kait. Some were silly; some were sweet; some, like this one, made her blush.

Kait gave him a playful shove. “Help me take down the canopy, Mr. Basketball.”

With the four of them working together, it didn’t take long to load everything into the delivery van. They repeated the process in reverse when they reached Truly Scrumptious. At that point, the group split into pairs. Kait and Miles were headed to St. Augustine for a classic car show. Owen thought he and Robin were going to a movie, but she had something else in mind. Something she thought he’d like much better.

Once they were in the car, she listened with amusement to his account of the afternoon with Miles. She wasn’t at all surprised to hear Copyright 2016 - 2024