No Matter What (The Billionaires of Sawgrass #4) - Delaney Cameron Page 0,11

appeal. In contrast to the prevailing fashion, he was clean shaven. This drew attention to his strong jawline, dimpled chin and disturbingly boyish smile.

The fact that she was seeing him in a family setting had to be the reason he appeared so harmless and (dare she say it) likeable. Was that the secret to his success? If so, then he was more dangerous than the Hollis’s of the world. He didn’t advertise his intentions which meant a woman wouldn’t be on her guard around him. She’d be caught in his trap long before she realized she’d been marked as prey.

As if to contradict these thoughts, Maxine said, “Reece is a real sweetheart; just like his father. Wade is, too, but he’s a little lax in the communication department. He hasn’t told me much about you.”

Wade squeezed her fingers. “What she means, darling, is I didn’t give her your whole life history.”

Robin’s life history was a subject that never failed to make everyone uncomfortable. In the ten years since turning eighteen, she’d done her best to put her unconventional childhood in the rearview mirror.

“I’m not surprised,” she replied, forcing a smile to her lips. “Men dislike sharing the details women find so interesting.”

Maxine nodded in agreement. “That’s true. Getting information out of Wade, Carlson, or Reece is like pulling teeth. With my stepdaughter Addison, it’s different. She’s a regular chatterbox. She and her husband are planning a trip to Jacksonville next weekend. They’ll be staying with Reece.” She glanced at Wade. “You should take Robin to meet them.”

“That won’t be possible, Mom. I leave for the Keys Friday morning.”

“That’s right,” Maxine said, nodding her head. “You’re always going somewhere. Frequent separations can be hard on a relationship. Do you mind that Wade travels so often, Robin?”

Wade looked annoyed by his mother’s question, but Robin thought she understood what prompted it. “Not at all. It’s the nature of his work.”

“It won’t always be like this,” he added. “I’m planning to take Robin with me on future trips.”

Robin felt a sinking sensation in her gut. This was payback for not being honest with Wade from the beginning. What she’d told Kait was just an excuse. The issue had never been about waiting for the right moment. There had been plenty of those. It had been (and continued to be) a wish to avoid admitting to something that would negatively impact Wade’s opinion of her.

With a start, she realized Maxine was speaking.

“…be a braver woman than me. A ship with no amenities, pint-sized quarters and a team of scientists talking technical jargon day and night isn’t my idea of a good time.”

The thought of being on any type of watercraft had Robin breaking out in a cold sweat. She was frantically trying to come up with a reply when Reece strolled back into the room. As far as she was concerned, his return couldn’t have been better timed.

“Here’s the coffee,” he said, setting a tray on the table in front of Maxine. “There’s some extra cups in case anyone else wants to indulge.”

Maxine reached for the stainless steel carafe. “What happened to Jeanette?”

“She got a call from her daughter,” Reece replied as he resumed his seat. “I told her I’d do the honors.”

“In doing so, you confirmed what I told Robin.”

Reece’s eyes crinkled at the corners. Robin grudgingly admitted it was very attractive.

“I’m not sure I want to know what it is,” he said.

“Why not?” Maxine asked as she handed a cup to Wade. “It’s nothing bad. I said you’re a sweetheart.”

His attractive rumble of laughter rang out. “For carrying in a tray? It’s not like I had to go out of my way.”

“Little things add up to big things. I meant to ask you earlier, but I got sidetracked by Wade and Robin’s arrival. One of my friends in Jacksonville has a nephew who’s interested in taking flying lessons. I believe he’s seventeen or thereabouts. I know you’ve got instructors at your flight school, but it would be a real treat if you’d give him lessons.”

Robin had to admire Maxine’s tactics. She’d made it almost impossible for Reece to refuse.

“Have your friend’s nephew give me a call,” he said. “We’ll see what we can work out.”

Maxine shot a triumphant glance at her husband. “I told you he’d do it.”

“I didn’t say he wouldn’t do it, darling. I said he might not have time. I hope your friend’s nephew can keep the news to himself. If word gets out that Reece is giving lessons, Copyright 2016 - 2024