No Good Deed - Marie Sexton Page 0,65

Gray had fallen for him. “It wasn’t your fault at all,” Jonas told him. “Gray and I sucked as a couple. It took us way too long to figure that out.”

“No hard feelings, then?”

“None whatsoever,” Jonas said. “It all worked out for the best.”

Phil glanced pointedly over at Charlie, who was laughing with Warren. “I don’t know if I’ve ever seen him so happy.” Jonas’s heart swelled. “You seem happy too,” Phil said. “More than you ever were with Gray.”

Jonas could only smile. “I am.”

“Good. Gray never appreciated you. But Charlie will.” Phil grinned. “Just between you and me, I imagine Charlie’s a lot easier to live with.”

Jonas laughed. “Infinitely.”

And last, the person he’d been dreading most of all, Gray.

Gray stood with his hands in his pocket, his eyes narrowed as he scrutinized Jonas. Nobody but Charlie or Warren could endure the full weight of Gray’s stare and not squirm at least a little. But Jonas was even more aware of Avery watching them warily from his spot at one of the tables.

“So,” Gray said. “You’re Mr. Charlie Garcia how. I guess I’m supposed to say congratulations.”

“I’d appreciate that, for what it’s worth.”

Gray held out his hand, but when Jonas went to shake it, Gray grabbed him and pulled him close enough to talk into his ear. “You break his heart again, I’ll hunt you down and skin you alive.”

Jonas made himself smile, although he would have been happier punching Gray in the teeth. “I promise you, that won’t be necessary.”

Taylor and River arrived together, congratulating him and welcoming him to the group. Jonas sat with them for a bit, washing down a piece of wedding cake with a cup of coffee.

“This is amazing,” Taylor gushed. “I’m so happy for you guys.” He looked at River, sitting next to him. “We can initiate him for real on Sunday, like we did for Avery?”

Jonas squirmed, wondering what exactly that meant. River grinned, shaking his head as his cheeks turned a bit red.

“You have a one-track mind.”

Taylor ignored that. “Now there’s just you and Phil. When are you guys gonna tie the knot? And if I’m not his best man, can I be yours?”

River laughed. “We’re never getting married. Don’t even mention it to Phil.”

Taylor’s job dropped. Jonas wasn’t sure if he should apologize or keep his mouth shut. He didn’t know River well enough. But River didn’t seem upset. He was still eating his piece of wedding cake, as casually as before.

“But…” Taylor seemed at a loss for words. “You guys are so great together.”

“We are. But if you ask Phil about marriage, he’ll go on a rant he learned from Pops about how marriage licenses in the US were designed to prevent interracial marriage. They had the added benefit of preventing gay marriage and polygamy. He’ll say we shouldn’t have to ask permission for something that should be an inalienable right.”

Jonas had heard it before years ago, not from Phil, but from Gray, which was part of the reason Gray’s marriage had come as a surprise. But Taylor seemed stunned, and River laughed.

“Like I said, don’t even mention it to Phil.” He shrugged. “He’s told me multiple times he’d do it if it mattered to me, but it doesn’t. I’ve already been married once. I was with Terrence for almost seven years after we first exchanged rings—two years before the state legalized it, and another four and a half after that.” He opened the top of his shirt to reveal the silver collar around his neck. “This means more to me than those rings ever did. The day Phil put this on me, I knew I’d never take it off.”

“It’s just as much a symbol of commitment as a ring,” Jonas said.

River gave him a thankful smile. “Exactly.”

“But…oh my God.” Taylor seemed close to tears, his hands on his cheeks. “River, that makes me so sad!”

River laughed and nudged Taylor with his shoulder. “Don’t be. I’m not. I’m happier than I’ve ever been. You guys wanted the ceremony, and I think that’s great. I’m happy for you. But for myself, Phil and I have already said everything we need to say. He loves me. He reassures me of that in his own way every single day.” He shrugged again, smiling. “That’s good enough for me, I promise. A piece of paper isn’t going to change anything.”

Jonas wondered about that. Phil had never been one to show affection, even to his partners. But when Phil joined them a few minutes later, Copyright 2016 - 2024