No Good Deed - Marie Sexton Page 0,44

started to squeeze, but Charlie gasped, putting his hand over Jonas’s.

“Not too hard.”

Jonas stroked him gently with one hand. With the other, he carefully slid the sounding bar out and back in. It moved easily. Charlie’s eyes fluttered closed, his breath catching. Jonas moved the bar again, watching Charlie’s face, listening to his deep moans. He couldn’t help but be aroused. Not when Charlie was so turned on. Jonas kissed him, loving the way Charlie’s breath hitched when Jonas moved the bar even the tiniest bit.

“Could I make you come like this?”


“Tell me what it feels like.”

Charlie chuckled. “Tell me what it feels like to be fucked.”

Jonas laughed, conceding the point. “Okay. So it’s hard to describe. Try anyway.”

“Your urethra’s full of nerve endings, like the rest of your penis. This stimulates you from the inside instead of out.”

“But it’s good?” It was a dumb question considering he could see Charlie’s reaction, but Charlie answered him anyway.

“I know men who’ll tell you it’s addictive.”

Jonas shivered at the thought. “I want to try.”

Charlie’s grin spread slowly across his face. “I was hoping you’d say that.”

Jonas wiggled out of his boxers.

“Lie back,” Charlie said.

Jonas did, taking time to get the pillows under his head so he was comfortable. Charlie knelt between his legs, the last inch of the sounding bar emerging from the head of his cock like some kind of jewelry. He took the washcloth and began to carefully wipe Jonas’s groin clean. Jonas stared at the ceiling, trying not to be uncomfortable as Charlie washed him like some kind of invalid.

“I can’t decide if this is erotic or weird,” Jonas said, and Charlie laughed.

“I’m almost done.”

Once he’d finished wiping Jonas clean, he handed him a pair of rubber gloves. “We don’t always have to use these,” Charlie said. “But we will today.”

Jonas slid them on. “Are you going to tie me up or something?”

Charlie shook his head. “Not this first time. You need to be comfortable.”

He took out the second smallest of the smooth sounding rods and began applying lubricant. Jonas gulped, wondering if he was making a mistake.

“Do I need to be hard?” he asked. Because if so, it was going to take some work. He’d been aroused as he touched Charlie. But his erection had waned as Charlie washed him. And now, faced with what he was about to do, he definitely wasn’t standing at attention.

Charlie shook his head. “It’s easier to start like this. But once you get used to it and know how good it feels, it’s difficult to stay soft long enough for insertion.”

Jonas closed his eyes and tried to relax. He focused on breathing. He tried not to squirm with discomfort as Charlie took hold of his penis.

“This isn’t about pain,” Charlie said. “And it’s not the time to be tough. If it hurts, tell me. If you need me to stop for a minute, tell me. If you want me to stop completely, definitely tell me. Got it?”

Jonas took a deep breath. “Got it.”

The first touch of metal made him jump, more from how cold it felt than anything. And then, the tip of the rod slid in.

Jonas gasped at the intrusion, and Charlie stopped, waiting. Jonas made himself breathe. He opened his eyes, wanting to see. He would have guessed that Charlie had pushed the rod in more than an inch, but that wasn’t the case. It was nowhere near that deep.

Jonas breathed, willing himself to relax. “Okay,” he said, his voice hoarse. “More.”

Charlie went a tiny bit deeper, and a bit deeper, and a bit deeper, stopping each time to let Jonas relax. To let him get used to the feeling.

It didn’t hurt, but it didn’t feel good yet either. It was like Charlie had said—a sort of superficial level of discomfort, just like some of his early experimentation with anal penetration. It was strange and unfamiliar, and some part of his brain told him this was weird and wrong.

But then Charlie began to gently stroke him with his other hand, teasing his cock to attention. He leaned over Jonas and kissed him, his tongue touching Jonas’s, his beard rough against Jonas’s chin, and Jonas stopped worrying about the sounding bar. He focused only on how good it felt when Charlie touched him. It was like being slowly lured from a hiding place. Charlie used his kisses, and his mouth on Jonas’s nipples, and his hand on Jonas’s cock to ease him from discomfort to arousal until Jonas was fully erect Copyright 2016 - 2024