No Escape From War (Trouble for Hire #1) - Cynthia Eden Page 0,60

was that we would be right behind him.”

Grimly, he shook his head.

“Another mistake,” Rose informed him crisply. “You meant to nod.”

Gary was gone. War could hear the sound of a revving engine outside, rising above the thunder of the waves. “I don’t trust the bastard, either.”

“Yes, that makes two of us—”

“Three,” from Odin.

Her luscious lips thinned. “The fact that none of us trust him means that one person doesn’t go face-off with him alone.”

“The fact that we don’t trust him means that you need to stay damn far away from the bastard,” he retorted.

Frustration darkened her expression. “War…”


A furrow appeared between her brows. “Do you think if you say ‘please’ to me in that low, sexy voice, then I will just magically jump and do what you want?”

A guy could dream. “I’m worried it’s a trap.”

She blinked.

“I don’t trust him. He is far too tight with Dylan, and it’s pretty obvious that Gary will do anything for money.”

“No denying that,” Odin agreed.

“For all we know, he’s trying to lure you to his office. I can’t risk that.” No, it was more… “I can’t risk you.”

Rose huffed out an angry breath. “You’re going to leave me behind? What in the hell is to stop me from just going after you?”

He jerked his thumb toward Odin. “I’m thinking he will.”

Odin smiled at her. “Hi.”

She growled. “Do not pull this testosterone bullshit.”

“It’s not bullshit.” It wasn’t. He wasn’t playing some macho game. “It’s me wanting to make certain that the person who matters most to me is protected.”

“What about me wanting to protect you?” Rose surged toward him. “Did you think of that? Did you stop to think that, you know, maybe Rose might be worried about me?”

Her being worried—he saw that as a good sign. She had to care in order to worry.

“I can handle myself,” War assured her. “You hired me because I was a tough bastard, remember?”

“You aren’t even letting me pay you anything! We never discussed payment!”

That was because there was no way he was going to let her pay him. His protection was free for Rose. He would do anything for her. Always.

“And you were supposed to help me catch the killer. That was the whole point of our partnership!”

War nodded and angled his head to the right. “Exactly.”

Horror flashed on her face. “Oh, no!”

Oh, no…what?

“You’re doing your game-on thing. Like you’ve already reached a conclusion.”

Odin cleared his throat. “Gary is gone. Might want to speed this scene along.”

“I have reached a conclusion. I’m going to keep up my side of the partnership. I’m checking out Gary’s so-called evidence. I’m also keeping you safe. Odin will make sure that nothing happens to you.”

Her hands curled around War’s shoulders. “This plan sucks.”

His head lowered so that his forehead could press to hers. “I need you safe.”

“I need you the same way! Look, why not at least take Odin with you? That way, you have him watching your back—”

“I have Odin watching what matters most.” He needed to go. “Don’t worry. I can handle Gary—and anything he throws at me.”

“Such confidence.” Her hands tightened on him. “You’d better not be wrong,” she muttered. “You come back to me with so much as a scratch, and I will be exceedingly pissed off.”

He eased back from her. “I’ll be back before you can even miss me.” War headed for the door.

“Well, that’s a bunch of bullshit.” Her disgruntled voice followed him. “I’ve been missing you for weeks.”

His shoulders stiffened. “It’s like I’ve been living with a hole where my heart was.”


He glanced back. “You won’t have to miss me. I’m coming back. An hour, two tops. I’ve got this.” Then he left because he needed to keep her safe. And if she kept looking at him with those big, gorgeous eyes…

No. His willpower would not falter. Odin would keep watch over her. War would deal with the PI. And if it turned out that Billy had been keeping secrets…

Then maybe they’d be solving this case, and Rose could get her full life back again—and a killer would be off the streets.


“Well, that sucked.” Rose glared at the closed door. It’s like I’ve been living with a hole where my heart was.

“His intentions are good.”

The waves pounded against the shore. “His intentions are shit.” She took a step forward.

Odin blocked her path. “Hello, again.”

“Don’t be cute.”

His smile stretched a little more.

“Aren’t you worried about him? We don’t know what War is facing.”

“He’s facing a squirrelly PI that War could handle in his sleep. Copyright 2016 - 2024