Nine Marines' Shared Property - Nicole Casey Page 0,21

I joined the Marines looking for adventure, but this went well beyond what I’d expected. “Gentlemen,” I said in my overly dramatic voice, “remember your training.”

Nolan looked at me and laughed. “What kind of training have you been doing?”

J.P. put a hand to his crotch. “Equipment check.”

“Yeah,” said Santiago from the driver’s seat, looking into the rearview mirror, “when’s the last time you cleaned your rifle, soldier?”

J.P. exhaled loudly. “Actually, my unit hasn’t been deployed in quite some time.”

It didn’t take us long to make it to Gwen’s place. However, finding a parking spot was a different matter. We ended up parking a few blocks away from her apartment. If anyone, looking out their window that night, saw us, nine Marines fast marching down the street, they would have thought that a most unusual sight. And who knows what they would have thought if they’d known where we were going and why.

When we arrived at Gwen’s apartment, her front door was ajar; no lights were on inside.

I pushed the door open and entered. “Gwen?”

“In here.” Her voice came from a room down the corridor in the back.

I motioned to the rest of the squad, and we filed down the corridor.

I flung open the door.

Gwen lay on her bed, wearing a black silk nightgown. One of the straps hung loose off her shoulder. One of her legs was bent at the knee, revealing her smooth tan thigh. She twirled a lock of hair with one hand while her other lay across her stomach, fingers spread and red painted fingernails pointing to her crotch.

She looked delicious, ripped straight out of my fantasies and made even more desirable.

I got hard instantly.

“Finally,” she said in a lazy, breathy voice. “It took you so long.”

I stepped toward the bed, unfastening my belt. “You’re mistaken,” I said. “It’s you who’s going to take it long: long and hard.”

I snapped off my belt and tossed it to the side. In an instant, the squad had surrounded the bed. Without coordinating or even looking at each other, we all slipped off our pants at the same time.

Gwen pulled herself up and looked around her, mouth agape. “Oh, my.”

“Oh, my’s right,” said J.P. and he crawled onto the bed.

I slipped out of my boxers, freeing my stiff cock from the confining fabric. I was ready to pounce. But instead, I watched as my colleagues closed in on her, their bodies casting her in shadow as they overtook her.

Taylor on one side and Travis on the other, they each ran a hand down her legs spreading them apart.

She wore white panties. I zoned in on my target. I crawled onto the bed. I snatched her panties with my teeth and tore them off of her.

She tried to shift or turn, but my colleagues held her down.

I placed my hands on either side of her snatch. I ran my thumbs up the contours of her labia, spread them apart and slid my tongue inside. She was wet, and I was thirsty.

I sucked and licked and kissed her snatch, marrying the movements of my mouth with those of her gyrating hips. I slid a hand underneath her to lift her and pull her closer to me. My tongue entered and explored. God, she tasted good.

I pulled away for a breath. As soon as I’d pulled away, she was taken from me. I couldn’t see who had grabbed her; perhaps it was Tristan or Travis. Whoever it was, he lifted her, turned her around and set her back on the bed, on her knees, her face mere inches from mine.

I held her by the jaw. I kissed her on the forehead then her temple and around and under her half-closed eye, making my way slowly down to her mouth. When my lips met hers, I let my eager hands glide down her neck, glide down her chest and grab her heaving breasts.

Someone entered her from behind; I didn’t look to see who. But I saw her face light up, and she let out a cry of pleasure. I put my mouth to her breast. I felt a nudge, as one of my colleagues did the same to her other breast.

She rocked back and forth, her tit slapping me in the face. Gwen was loud, providing grunts and moans to the rhythm. The whole bed shook. I thought it might break. I hopped off, and as soon as I’d done that Elijah took my place.

Axel was now behind her, fucking her. Travis was running Copyright 2016 - 2024