Nightfall (Devil's Night #4) - Penelope Douglas Page 0,200

shook and panted, coming on my tongue, and I loved it. God, I loved it.

I had a heart. I can dive and feel. I knew that now.

I was free.

And now, it was my turn. Climbing up, I sucked her off my lips and lifted her leg, sliding my right one underneath it and putting my left foot next to her hip. Holding her leg with one hand and planting my other behind me for support, I started to rub my pussy against hers, grinding on her fast and feral, chasing the goddamn itch inside me.

“Oh, fuck,” I heard Kai growl.

I leaned back, rolling my hips and turning to the side just a hair, so I could feel all of her as my breasts swayed with the ride.

I looked over at Kai and his wife, her eyes closed, her back against his chest, and his fingers deep inside her as she reached back and wrapped her arm around his neck.

He bit her ear, and she turned her head, sinking into his mouth.

Erika was naked, facing me with her fingers dug into the stool as Michael devoured her neck and slid inside of her from behind.

I let my head fall back as Alex and I scissored, my cunt growing wetter as I rolled my hips again and again, rubbing on her harder and harder.

Coming down from her orgasm, she gripped my thigh and started to ride me back, matching my rhythm, and I looked over, seeing Will still watching us, the heavy rise and fall of his chest the only sign that he was alive.

“He watches you like Aydin watched me,” Alex said softly.

I squeezed her breast, possessive and hungry. “This isn’t for him,” I whispered.

This was about us. Her knowing that I saw her, and me knowing there was more to myself than I knew. That I could go to the edge.

I was more than I thought I was.

“Ah, Emmy,” she moaned as our pace quickened. “Your cunt is so hot. Fuck me.”

“Yeah,” I whimpered.

My tits shook, and my hair tickled the small of my back as I fucked her pussy, and let the moans escape as I felt it coming and coming.

“Oh, Jesus,” Michael growled.

Everyone watched us, Michael’s and Erika’s eyes zoned in, and Kai and his wife’s gasping for air, piercing us with their desperate eyes as he finger-fucked her.

“I’m gonna come again,” Alex said.

I shook my head. “Don’t come yet.”

“Oh, God.” She squeezed her eyes shut. “Harder.”

I rocked my hips harder, her clit rubbing against mine and making the blood rush in my legs as I let out cry after cry, unable to contain the pleasure.

“Fuck, fuck…” I screamed.


“Don’t come,” I demanded, grinding circles into her and feeling her heat mix with mine. “I want more. I’m not done with you. I’m not done.”

I wanted to come all night.

But we were already there. Alex’s body went rigid, every muscle tightening, and a trickle of sweat fell down my back as my orgasm exploded, lightning filling my body.

I cried out so loudly, I didn’t care if the whole damn train heard. Shudders wracked through my body, and I slowed, locks of hair in my face, my skin damp, and a wave of contentment sweeping through my body.

God, that was hot. “Shit,” I murmured.

“That didn’t last long,” I heard Michael say. “I’m sorry, babe.”

Erika chuckled, out of breath. “It’s okay. I came.” And then some kissing sounds. “I love you.”

“I love you, too,” he said.

Opening my eyes, I looked down at Alex, her stomach rising and falling in heavy breaths, and I bent over, resting my forehead on her chest.

She ran her hands over my back, holding me tight.

In another moment, Kai’s wife came, whimpering into the dark train car, and I almost smiled, but I didn’t have the energy.

Never would I have imagined I’d do something like this, but I wasn’t embarrassed. Not in the least. They followed us, all of us leaping over the edge, too.

I was about to rise back up and face Will, but just at that moment, something slipped around my neck and I was yanked up, an itchy rope squeezing my skin.

Will pulled me against his body, and I tipped my head back, looking up at him as he leaned down, his lips brushing my ear.

“Don’t get too comfortable,” he whispered in a raspy voice. “You haven’t left prison yet.”

He grabbed my breast, squeezing it like it was his property, and chills spread out over my body as the train started moving under us Copyright 2016 - 2024