Night Maneuvers - By Jillian Burns Page 0,38

her house in her pressed uniform and leather briefcase ready for the base.

“Is that rookie still bothering you?” Mitch frowned. Just what he needed. More competition in the form of a younger, cockier him.

“Who, Davis?” She pressed her lips to Mitch’s neck and spread kisses up to his jaw as she spoke. “Didn’t I tell you? He’s got himself a girlfriend.”

“Good.” Mitch wasn’t sure whether to be grateful or worried about the poor guy. “I’d hate to have to beat him up.”

She drew away and shook her head. “I’ve told you before I can take care of myself.”

“Yeah, well, I’ve got your back, Hughes.”

“Not on base. We don’t want to give our commanders any more reasons to suspect we’re seeing each other.”

On that they agreed. “Absolutely.”

“So,” she said. “Will you be here in the morning?” Her hands were running over his chest and up his arms, making it hard to concentrate on her words.

Monday morning. The start of the normal workweek. The return to everyday life. “Uh, yeah, maybe.” He nodded, not sure why he was hedging. But maybe they shouldn’t get too comfortable. Take things for granted.

“Oh-kay? Call me, then, so I’ll know whether to go on to sleep.”

“You bet.” He gave her a quick kiss.

She hesitated, searching his eyes, and then she was gone. Her car disappearing in the distance.

Mitch, confused, walked to his Jeep. What the hell had just happened here? He only knew their parting had been awkward. And as much as he’d hated that, he couldn’t think what to do about it.

Later, Mitch rolled over, opened a bleary eye and cursed. He’d overslept. Jumping out of bed, he threw on his uniform and raced to his office, ducking in twenty minutes after eight.

As he grabbed his clipboard off his desk he realized Alex was probably already asleep. Not that he had a spare minute to pick up the phone. He jogged down several corridors to his classroom and barely made it ahead of his students. Ah, well, he’d stop by her house tonight.

What was that old adage about the best-laid plans? By five he was still working on reports he’d neglected for weeks and when he finally glanced at the clock it was after seven-thirty.

Grabbing his jacket and keys, he headed for his Jeep. Alex might already be on base—he stopped in his tracks—but, for now it’d be better for their careers if they kept their distance at work. Neither of their commanders would approve of them hooking up. Even though they were technically on different squadrons, they still flew together sometimes.

And a call right now would only disrupt her class. She’d probably be in the air most of the night anyway.

At home, he sat mindlessly in front of the television all evening, fell asleep on the couch and was late waking up the next morning, also. By the time he thought to call Alex, his reasons for not contacting her the day before didn’t seem quite as legitimate, and he had no idea what he’d say, so he put it off.

Tuesday night he fell asleep thinking he probably should call her tomorrow…

WHEN MITCH DIDN’T show up or call Monday morning, Alex went on to sleep, figuring she’d hear from him that evening before she left for work. When he still hadn’t called Tuesday evening, she couldn’t decide whether to cry or kill him.

She’d never been a crier.

Wednesday morning she drove straight from work to Mitch’s apartment, noting the spectacularly gorgeous sunrise. Purple and pink clouds outlined in sparkling golden light streaked across the lavender sky. Funny how the earth could produce such beauty when her world was a steaming pile of…thunderclouds.

Without making time to second-guess her actions, she parked in front of his place, marched up to his door and rang the bell. After a few seconds without an answer, she rang it again and then pounded on the door. It was still another few seconds before the door opened.

Wearing wrinkled shorts and a shirt, Mitch squinted at her, his hair rumpled. He was scratching his jaw and she drew her fist back and sucker punched him right in the gut.

With a grunt he doubled over grabbing his stomach.

Ah, watching him gasp for air and seeing the look of shock on his face gave her immense satisfaction. Her chin upturned, she marched off.

“Alex, what the hell?” He squeaked out the words.

Oh, like he had no idea why she’d be so furious? She kept going. Then she heard a horrible sound and glanced behind her.

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