Night Frost - By R. D. Wingfield Page 0,84


A gargle of squelch from the radio, then Hotel Tango, very excited. ‘He’s spotted us. He’s skidded round. He’s heading back in your direction. Am in pursuit.’

‘There he is!’ yelled Gilmore. Fast-approaching headlights flared and blinded and a horn screamed for them to get out of the way.

‘Block him,’ shouted Frost.

Not too happy about this, Gilmore spun the wheel, turning the car side on to the oncoming vehicle.

The headlights got nearer and nearer, the van’s horn screaming and pleading. From behind came more headlights and the piercing wail of Hotel Tango’s siren in pursuit.

‘He’s not going to stop!’ screamed Gilmore, blinded by the dazzle of the headlights as he hit his seat belt release.

‘Jump,’ yelled Frost, thankful he hadn’t refastened his seat belt after the last incident. He pushed open the door and dived out on to the road, rolling over and just regaining his feet as the van impacted, smashing into the car and sending it spinning. Tyres squealed and smoked. The van’s engine raced impotently, then it started to back away. But the approaching police car was too close and Hotel Tango skidded to a halt, siren still blaring, blocking the road right behind the van.

Car doors opened and slammed. Two uniformed men emerged from the area car and approached cautiously from the rear. Gilmore, rubbing grazed elbows, advanced from the front. The cab door jerked open and Greenway leapt out, tightly gripping the sledgehammer which he brandished threateningly.

Crouching slightly, ready to leap, Gilmore edged nearer. Greenway spun round, whirling the sledge-hammer above his head, his eyes wild and threatening.

‘Drop that, you silly sod!’ roared Frost. Momentarily distracted, Greenway jerked his head towards the inspector giving the two uniformed men the opportunity to risk a dash forward, but they were not quick enough. Greenway twisted round, swinging the hammer in a two-handed grip. As they backed away, Gilmore made his move, leaping on Greenway from behind, locking his arm tightly round the man’s neck in a strangulating grip making him drop the hammer as he tried to prise Gilmore’s arm away. A back elbow jab from Greenway almost paralysed Gilmore who cried in pain and slackened his hold which was enough for Greenway to dive to regain the hammer. He almost had it when he shrieked in agony as the heel of Frost’s shoe stamped down on his hand with the inspector’s full weight bearing down. ‘You bastard!!’

‘Naughty, naughty!’ admonished Frost, only easing off his foot so Gilmore could pull Greenway’s wrists behind him and snap on the handcuffs.

Gilmore stood up and brushed dirt from his grey suit then yanked his prisoner to his feet. ‘You’ve broken my bloody hand,’ whimpered Greenway. ‘I want a doctor.’

‘You’ll want an undertaker if you don’t shut up,’ said Frost. ‘It’s police brutality week. Now get in that bloody car.’ They all squeezed into the area car and drove back to the station. It was a silent drive. Greenway said nothing, just stared straight ahead. He didn’t even ask what the charge was.

‘Number 2 Interview Room,’ called Wells as they marched their prisoner through the lobby.

‘I want a doctor. The bastards have broken my hand,’ called Greenway, giving a good impersonation of a man in agony.

‘Get him a doctor,’ ordered Mullett, who was hovering excitedly in the background, grinning like a man with two dicks. ‘We’re going to play this one by the book.’ He called the inspector over. ‘The Chief Constable’s thrilled to bits about this, Frost.’

‘Then let’s hope we don’t disappoint the old git,’ replied Frost. ‘Our suspect’s playing the injured innocent at the moment.’

‘I’ve got a full Forensic team going over Greenway’s cottage, inch by inch,’ said Mullett. ‘As soon as they come up with something, I’ll let you know.’ He squeezed Frost’s shoulder. ‘I have every confidence in you, Inspector.’

Then you must be bloody mad, muttered Frost under his breath as Mullett returned to the old log cabin. Whenever people expressed confidence, the doubts welled up.

‘Shall I get a doctor?’ asked Wells.

‘Later,’ said Frost. ‘When I’ve finished with him. The odd jolt of pain might improve his concentration.’

Wednesday night shift (1)

Greenway twisted his head round to look at the clock high on the wall behind him in Interview Room number 2. Half-past nine. He resumed his sprawl in the chair and rubbed his injured hand. Opposite him, leaning against the mushroom-emulsioned wall, the young thug of a detective sergeant scowled down at him. Unblinking, Greenway scowled back.

‘How much longer?’ asked Greenway.

Gilmore said nothing.

‘As long as that?’ said Greenway Copyright 2016 - 2024