Night Fall (The Quantico Files #1) - Nancy Mehl Page 0,8

crazy. Now, with her training, Alex understood her aunt’s mental problems. But living with someone like Willow had been almost unbearable for a child who’d lost the mother she’d adored.

“Your aunt is the only person we know who has a copy of The Book.” Jeff leaned back in his chair. “Where is this aunt?”

“In . . . in Wichita, Kansas.”

“I’ll contact our resident agency in Wichita and ask them to get a warrant to pick up her copy.”

“Assuming she still has it, she won’t give it to them,” Alex said. “She won’t even open the door.”

“If our UNSUB has the virus and you’re right about him, he could start spreading it to the general population. We don’t have time to mess around here. What she wants doesn’t matter. We’ll have a warrant. She’ll have no choice in this matter.”

“I realize that.” Although everything inside her fought the next words to come out of her mouth, Alex’s sense of duty won out over her long-held vow never to see her aunt again. “I really believe I’m the only one she’ll talk to. If I can convince her to give me The Book, we’ll save time and possible delays. Even with a warrant, they’ll still have to find her hiding place. She worked hard to keep it out of sight. Even I have no idea where she kept it.”

“Okay,” Jeff said. “We need that book. I’ll contact the SAC in Kansas City. Let him know we’ve been asked by the KCPD to help with their serial-murder investigation. Advise them about this turn of events and ask his permission to send you and Logan to Wichita. I’m certain they’ll want to set up a task force, seeing it’s possible we’re dealing with a weapon of mass destruction. All of CIRG needs to be on board for this.”

Jeff was right. The FBI’s Critical Incident Response Group was comprised of the most highly trained agents in the world. If anyone could find this virus in time, it was them.

Alex shivered, but she wasn’t cold. She’d never planned to set foot in Wichita again. She’d turned her back on her painful past and started over. Facing it filled her with dread.

The door opened suddenly, and Moreen’s expression was grim. “Sorry to interrupt, but I think this may be important.”

“What is it?” Jeff asked.

“The research assistant who disappeared in Kansas City left something behind. They found it in his desk at the lab. It appears he wanted someone to find it. They just sent me a copy of . . . well, it’s a poem.”

“A poem?” Jeff’s tone held a touch of anger. “Why do we care about a poem?”

“Let me read it, Boss. Then you tell me if it matters.”

Jeff sighed deeply and nodded.

Moreen cleared her throat.

“‘Do you hear the Train Man rumbling in the night?

Can you see his dreadful face grinning with delight?

If you hear his horrid wheels clicking round and round,

Cover your head and plug your ears to block the frightful sound.

For any little boy or girl who hears the Train Man speak,

Who feels his rancid breath caress their pretty cheek,

Must close their eyes, pretend to sleep, and very softly pray,

Or else the evil Train Man may carry them away.’”

She looked up. “The title is ‘The Train Man.’”

The color drained from Jeff’s face.

“TM,” Alex said, her voice cracking. “Train Man. This guy is definitely our UNSUB.”

“Alex, Logan, get to Wichita,” Jeff said, his expression tight. “Monty, I want you to coordinate with Kansas City. They’ll want the task force there, and you can help them set up a command post. I’ll let Stephen know what’s going on. Alex, are you certain your aunt will give you this book?”

She shook her head. “I honestly don’t know. It’s her reason for living. A sacred text that can’t be replaced. All I can do is try.”

“A serial killer may have an extremely deadly pathogen. We don’t have time to worry about her feelings. You bring me that book, Alex,” he said forcefully, “or we’ll do it the hard way. I don’t want to tear apart an old lady’s home, but we’ll do whatever we have to.” He stopped and fastened his gaze back on Moreen.

“What’s this guy’s name?” he asked her.

“Adam Walker. We’re doing a deep search on him now. Trying to figure out where he is. How to find him.”

“Has the CDC been notified? Homeland?”

“The lab has contacted the CDC. I’ll check about Homeland.”

Alex could barely understand the conversation going on around her. Logan was going Copyright 2016 - 2024