Nice Guys Don't Win (The Boys #2) - Micalea Smeltzer Page 0,68

Like those soap operas I love.”

“It’s complicated,” I repeat. “Not juicy.”

“If you like her and she likes you, then there’s really nothing complicated about it, just your own fears and worries. Sometimes you have to take a leap. See how things go. Like your father and I.”

“It was hard for you two, wasn’t it?”

“Love is always hard. But yes, ours was a little extra complicated. It was all worth it. It’s still worth it.” She gets a wistful expression. “I love your dad with all my heart. We have a beautiful family and grandbabies. I couldn’t ask for more. I want the same for you.”

“It’ll happen one day, Mom.”

She looks at me seriously. “Don’t let the one slip by because you’re waiting for one day. Things usually happen when we least expect it.”

“You’re getting wise in your old age.”

She gasps, tossing a pillow at me which I dodge easily. “Who are you calling old?”

“Well, there’s only two of us in the room and I’m definitely not the old one.”

She cackles, shaking her head. “I thought I raised you better than this.”

My eyes soften. “You raised me the best, Mom.”

“I sure hope so.” Sobering, she says, “I want you to be happy.”

“I am.”

“All I’m saying is, the last thing that should ever hold you back in life is fear.”

“I’m not afraid.”

Her eyes narrow and at first, I think she’s not going to say anything else, but then she adds, “Are you sure about that?”



Teddy and I descend into the stadium to our seats. Mascen and Rory are already there, and she smiles at me when I take the seat beside her, so we’re sandwiched between the two guys.

“I love snacks.” Teddy shoves popcorn in his mouth.

Rory leans around me. “Teddy, you just love food in general.”

“This is true.” He shrugs, picking up his Coke and slurping it down. “When does the game start?”

I look at my phone. “We have another twenty minutes.”

“Shit, all my snacks will be gone by then.”

“Then you can go buy more.”

“Excellent point.” He tugs his hoodie up over his head.

“What are you doing?” I eye him suspiciously.

“Blocking out my haters.” He nods his head to a gaggle of girls glaring in his direction.

“What did you do to them?”

“Probably turned them down.” He munches on more popcorn. “I can’t help it that my dick is picky. I won’t fuck just anyone.”

“Teddy,” I sigh, shaking my head.

“What?” He blinks his green eyes innocently. “It’s the truth. Not that I haven’t had my man whoreish ways in the past, especially freshman year. Ah, freshman year.” He gets a nostalgic look on his face. “Sophomore year too, I must admit. Okay, last year too.” He holds one hand up since the other is gripping the bag of popcorn. “But this school year I haven’t had sex at all. I have to be on my best behavior.” He wrinkles his nose. “You know, so I don’t get cut off from my inheritance. Assholes,” he mutters the last part under his breath. “I take that back, my mom’s not that bad. A little superficial. It’s my dad who’s the real prick.”

I blink at him, astounded. “Did you even take a breath through that entire speech?”

“Only a half one.”

I turn to Mascen. “Where did you all find him?”

Without missing a beat, he says, “Found him like Tarzan. Raised in the jungle.”

“Hey.” Teddy tosses popcorn over my head, pelting Mascen in the face with it.

Mascen glares back at him with pursed lips but doesn’t say a word as he picks the popcorn out of his hair.

“Sorry I’m late,” says a soft feminine voice, and I look over to see Kenna.

Mascen and Rory scoot down another seat and Kenna takes the now empty spot beside me.

“Is Li coming?” Rory asks her.

Kenna shakes her head. “No, she’s having a Keanu Reeves marathon tonight.”

“Kenna, want some popcorn?” Teddy shoves the bag between us and offers it to her.

“No, thank you. I’m good.”

“Are you sure?” He wiggles the bag, spilling some popcorn onto my lap. “It’s delicious.”

“I’m fine, promise.”

“Okay, suit yourself.” He yanks the bag back and stuffs his hand into it, spilling more onto the floor.

“Why are you so messy?” I grumble at him, picking pieces off my lap.

“I can’t help it. I have to sprinkle a little of my presence everywhere. It’s my way of saying Teddy was here.”

“You’re a menace.”

“I’m a heartthrob, baby.”

“Don’t call me baby.”

“You sleep with a stuffed dog named after me.”

I narrow my eyes. “How do you know that?”

“I know everything.” He taps Copyright 2016 - 2024