Nice Guys Don't Win (The Boys #2) - Micalea Smeltzer Page 0,6

couldn’t make the rent on my own.”

“Sure, but I mean, you probably would’ve preferred one of your friends.” I eye her and she lowers her gaze, not wanting me to see the insecurity there. I can tell Zoey is the kind of girl who can hold her own, who doesn’t take bullshit from anyone, but that doesn’t mean she can’t be hurt, and I have a feeling she’s got her demons just like I have mine.

“You’re just fine. Honestly, better than a smelly ass dude.”

She cracks a smile. “I’ll add that to my resumé.” I flip through the instructions and she gives a laugh. “I thought all men tossed the directions and decided to wing it.”

I pause, stretching out my legs. “Not this guy. If you want something done right, you don’t half-ass it.”

Standing, she smooths her hands down the front of her shirt. I quickly divert my eyes, not wanting to be caught checking her out. I want Zoey to feel comfortable here, she doesn’t need me leering at her.

“I’m going to grab a drink. You want anything?”

“A root beer.”

She cracks a tiny, almost secretive smile and walks out of her bedroom. Returning less than a minute later, she holds out an IBC with the cap already removed. I don’t know what it is about root beer, but it’s always been my favorite. I keep a stash on hand for not only drinking but making floats as well. Sure, I have to watch what I eat because I have to stay in shape but that doesn’t mean I don’t allow myself to indulge now and then.

Zoey sits back down, crossing her legs. She undoes the cap from a Fiji water and spins the cap around her fingers. “Thank you for doing this.”

“It’s not a problem.”

“We haven’t talked about much since I moved in, but do you think we should set some ground rules?”

“Like what?” I set my root beer down and start assembling the shelf.

“I don’t know. Not stealing each other’s shampoo or food or something.” She picks at the carpet, not meeting my eyes.

“Well, for starters I don’t think we have to worry about the shampoo thing.” I rub my scalp. “Something tells me we use very different kinds.” A flush warms her cheeks. “And food, I’m not the kind of guy who gets butthurt over that kind of thing, but I’ll stay out of yours. Promise.”

Her white teeth nibble on her full bottom lip and I know she’s thinking deeply about something. Finally, she says, “What about visitors?”

“Like friends? Shit, I don’t care if your friends come over.”

“No.” She fidgets some more, tugging on the top of her socks. “I mean, will you be having girls over?” Her gaze goes to the wall, refusing to meet my amused stare. “Like, I can’t tell you not to, but maybe give me a heads up so I can wear headphones or leave for the library or—”

“You don’t have to worry about me with girls.”

“Are you gay?” She immediately slaps a hand over her mouth. “Sorry, that was wrong of me to ask.”

“No, not gay, just … swearing off women for the foreseeable future.” She gives me a questioning look. “There was a girl I liked last year but turned out she liked my best friend more.”

She flinches. “Harsh. Sounds familiar.” And from the sympathetic look she gives me, I know she’s been there, but she doesn’t offer more than that.

“It’s not like anyone cheated. Rory and I weren’t together, but that shit hurts. It’s my senior year. I want to focus on my grades and whatever it is that comes next.” There’s a knock out front and I arch a brow. “Are you expecting someone?”

She looks puzzled, shaking her head. “No.” She stands and groans. “It better not be my dad. I’m not in the mood.”

She marches out front and I stay where I’m at, wanting to get this bookcase together and call it a day.

“Wow, look at you.” I glance up to find Teddy standing in the doorway to Zoey’s room, holding a bucket of KFC chicken and a drumstick in hand. He tears into the chicken leg like a savage. Around a mouthful, he says, “It’s only been a few days and she’s already got you wrapped around her finger.”

“Oh, shut up.” Zoey pushes past him, but not before she stands on her tiptoes and smacks the back of his head.

“Hey! What was that for?”

“For running your mouth. I didn’t ask him to do anything. He offered.”

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