Nice Guys Don't Win (The Boys #2) - Micalea Smeltzer Page 0,11

the coffee shop. Not likely.

“I’ve got a chem class.”

“Brainiac,” Teddy mutters under his breath. He’s not wrong. Mascen is a talented athlete, and could easily go pro with baseball, but he doesn’t want that. Instead, he’s pursuing sports medicine.

“What about you?”

“News writing and reporting.”

“Damn, you mean I’m going to be all alone in communications? Figures. Stupid majors separating us. I’m going to need another one of these if I’m going to survive.” He slips out of his chair, going to place an order, and Mascen takes his place.

“Teddy told me he bailed on rooming with you. Why didn’t you tell me?”

I regard him for a moment before I answer. “What good would that have done?

I know what he’s going to say before he does, so I’m not surprised when he replies, “Because I can help you.”

“I’m sure Teddy also told you he solved my roommate problem. It’s all good, man.”

With a sigh, Mascen stands, adjusting his baseball cap before he picks up his cup. “For what it’s worth, I really am sorry. And you know me, dude, I don’t apologize for shit. And I’m not saying I’m sorry for loving Rory, just for hurting you.”

I wave my hands. “It’s water under the bridge.”

He arches a brow. “Is it?”

He doesn’t give me a chance to answer before walking out, lifting his hand in goodbye to Teddy.

Teddy struts back to the table, another frozen coffee in hand but I’m already standing and grabbing my backpack to sling across my shoulders.

“Don’t tell me you’re leaving already. That’s no fun.”

“Gotta get to class, dude.”

“Fine, pizza for dinner?”


He looks at me like I’m the dumb one. “First day of class celebration, duh.”

I shake my head over the fact that he actually used the word duh in a sentence. “No parties.”

“No, not a party. Promise. Just a few of the guys.”

“Don’t forget Zoey lives with me now. I can’t have you infringing, because it’s not only my space.”

“Only a few people, I promise.” When he winks I know I’m fucked.



Cole gives me yet another apologetic look, mouthing, “I’m sorry.”

Our apartment is crowded with guys. Apparently, Teddy took it upon himself to have a “First Day Back Get Together” as he called it. So far, I’ve been introduced to guys named Murphy, Jude, Cree, Daire and one who introduced himself to me with, “Caesar, like the dressing, not the dead guy.” Both him and Teddy cackled over that one. There are a few others who’ve since joined, packing into our small apartment that I haven’t been introduced to yet.

“Give me one of those.” I tell Teddy, waving my fingers at one of the beers in his hand. Something called Three Floyds Zombie Dust. Never heard of it, but if I’m going to have to deal with this much testosterone, I’m going to need actual alcohol. Cole’s root beer and my water just aren’t going to cut it.

“Here you go pretty lady.”

“No flirting.” I glare at the pretty boy as I take the beer from him and grab the bottle opener, popping off the top.

“I bring you beer and food and this is how you treat me. Shame, Zoey.” He actually rubs his right index finger on top of his left.


Not only do I help myself to his beer, but I pile a plate with two slices of pizza and some of the chicken wings he brought.

Squeezing past some of the guys in an effort to get to my room, I bump into one, spilling a little of my beer on his shirt. “Shit, I’m sorry, Murphy.” I cringe at the stain on his shirt.

He laughs. “It’s fine. It’s just a shirt, it’ll dry. And it’s Murray.”

I cringe at having messed up his name. I could’ve sworn I heard him say Murphy earlier, but with a thick Australian accent it’s apparent I misheard.

“Murray,” I repeat. “I’ll remember that.”

Cole appears out of nowhere, fire in his eyes. “He’s not bothering you is he?”

Murray snorts at the accusation. “Nah, man. She bumped into me by accident.”

He turns that fiery caramel gaze to Murray. “Didn’t ask you.”

“Are you okay?” He addresses me again.

“It’s just like he said. I’m on my way to my room to get out of your way so you guys can do whatever.”

Cole’s face instantly softens. I don’t think he even realizes it, but he reaches down, holding my wrist. “Don’t go to your room. Stay out here and get to know everybody. I told Teddy not to do this, but … well, you already know how he Copyright 2016 - 2024