Never Over You - Ryleigh Andrews Page 0,97

if it was negative. But with the fucked-up state of her marriage at the moment, a positive result might not be the best thing for her either because she had no idea what she would do.

“Five seconds in the stream and then we wait three minutes,” Allie stated, placing the test on the counter next to the toilet.

“Two lines right?”

“This one has the words. Want me to leave?”

“No,” Mia choked. She needed some support because if this was negative … hell, she just needed support.

Pulling up her dress, she sat on the toilet and automatically put the test between her legs. After counting to five, she pulled it out and placed it on the counter. Standing up, she fixed her clothes and then washed her hands.

“Three minutes?” she asked, standing before her friend. Allie nodded sadly and hugged her. “Luke told you?”


Mia nodded repeatedly and gave up on holding in the tears, crying in Allie’s arms as her friend comforted her. Her life was a mess. She’d been so excited thinking of how happy Ethan would be when she told him she was finally pregnant. That’s why she’d changed her plans. She wanted to be home with him and the boys—her family—and find out together. Now here she was in her best friend’s bathroom, awaiting the news, her marriage falling apart.

“Three minutes are up, Mia.”

With an exhale, she turned to the counter and saw only one word on the test—pregnant.

“I’m pregnant,” she said and fell to her knees. Finally.

She rested her head in her hands, her mind completely blank, staring off at the open door, waiting for her mind to engage. Before that could even happen, Luke’s shoes appeared in front of her.

“Pregnant, huh?”

She smiled because despite everything going on, she was happy for this. After all the heartbreak of the miscarriage and repeated disappointments of not getting pregnant month after month, she was finally getting the child she so desperately wanted. “I am.”

Blowing out a long breath, his understanding eyes focused on her, he then extended his hand to her. “Let’s get out of this bathroom. I don’t know about you, but I’m hungry. Are you?”

With a thankful nod, she let him lead her to the kitchen where he deposited her on one of the stools in front of the island. While Luke went about making a late breakfast, Mia talked to Allie.

“What do I have in the next month?” Mia asked, knowing ahead of time that she wouldn’t like the answer. And she didn’t. She cringed as Allie kept speaking. Too much.

“Cancel or reschedule what you can. Get Bree to help with that. God, I’ve got to tell her about this,” she groaned, putting her palm to her forehead. There were certain things she knew she had to do, like the premiere of her new movie at the end of the month. She couldn’t cancel that.

“I need to get into the doctor’s fast.”

“Well, this upcoming week is pretty free. Why don’t you call now?”

“Okay,” she agreed as she scrolled through her phone. Placing the call, Mia was pleasantly surprised that she got through to speak to someone fairly easily. She waited patiently while the nurse looked up her info.

“Ahhh … here it is. Dr. Kendall wants to get you in here right away according to the notes in your chart. How late are you?” the nurse asked.

“Over three weeks,” Mia answered.

“Can I put you on hold for one moment, Ms. Devereux?”

“Of course,” she replied, holding her head in her hand. Her stomach growled loudly. Whatever Luke was making smelled delicious.

“Ms. Devereux?”


“Could you possibly come in this afternoon at four?”

She mouthed four to Allie who quickly looked at her phone and then nodded at her. “I can.”

“Great! We’ll see you here at four o’clock.”

“Thanks,” she said and ended the call. “Today at four o’clock.”

“Want me to come with you?” Allie offered.

“You’d do that?”

“Of course.”

Luke placed a plate of French toast and eggs in front of her. She thanked him and dug in. After she finished eating, he sat down next to her.

“What did he say?” Luke asked and Mia recounted what Ethan had said to her like she was giving a freaking news report. No emotion touched her voice. “Did he say why?”

“Because he’s a jealous ass who couldn’t get the thought of Todd and I together out of his head. I never slept with Todd! I don’t want Todd. I want my damn husband,” she cried, wiping the tears away, angry at them, angry at all of this—especially Copyright 2016 - 2024