Never Over You - Ryleigh Andrews Page 0,60

her hands were shaking so badly that would probably not be a good idea.

Three minutes should be up by now, she thought, yet she stayed where she was. Nerves rooted her to the floor. Her chest felt tight. If she was pregnant, that would mean three kids under the age of two. And she had no idea how crazy that would be, but then she thought of all the reasons this would be okay. She had more help now with Bridgette. After Thanksgiving, she’d be interviewing a few candidates for the personal assistant position.

She would have three children.


Then she smiled. That was over halfway to five. Their dream of five kids would be that much closer to reality. With new determination, she crossed the room and picked up the test.

Two pink lines.

No doubt about it. Two strong, bold pink lines.

“Holy crap!” Mia exclaimed. She needed to tell Ethan!

Unlocking and opening the door, she stopped in her tracks as her husband walked into the bedroom. He assessed her and his eyebrows quirked up. “What’s in your hand, suga?” he asked, making his way towards her.

The smile she had only grew bigger as she held out the stick to him. His eyes still on her, he took it from her. With her head, she gestured at the stick in his hand. When he glanced down at it, she spoke. “So, it appears you knocked me up again, Mr. Christopher.”

He looked up at her, his eyes wide with happiness. “Seriously?”

She nodded, the lump in her throat not allowing her to speak.

He picked her up and twirled her in his arms. “I can’t believe this. Another baby!”

“So, I’m taking you’re excited by this piece of news.”

“That I am, suga.”

She was glad he felt this way and would look to him as to how to act. Because right now, she was remembering weeks of bed rest and the crazy and wild birth of the twins. She didn’t remember the chaos of her seizure or her bleeding out. Thankfully, she was unconscious during that time, but she did remember the stricken faces of Ethan and Luke after the fact. That was bad enough.

A big part of her didn’t want to go through that emotional drama again and an even bigger part didn’t want to put her husband through the wringer again either. He’d seen all that—her seizure, her coding, the attempts to bring her back to life.

But he obviously wasn’t thinking of those things right now. His face was alight with pure happiness. Yes, she would follow his lead and be happy right along with him.

He stopped spinning her and framed her face with his big, strong hands, his whiskey-colored eyes locked on hers.

“I love you,” he spoke solemnly.

“I love you too,” she said in return right before his lips descended upon hers in one of the sweetest kisses she’d ever had.

He pulled back slightly, his breath just a bit jagged. “I had originally come up here to tell you it was party time.”

She smiled. “Well, now we have one more thing to celebrate.”

“Should we tell them now while we have them all here?” Mia asked her husband as they made their way downstairs. “Or should we wait until we can go to the doctor?”

“You don’t have to tell them right now. Why not call the doctor on Monday and we can decide then, okay?” he suggested. She nodded and he kissed her forehead.

When she entered the main living area, Mia was greeted by the wall of noise. A grin covered her face as she looked upon her family, blood and otherwise, all in one place.

Putting on her host hat, Mia made the rounds and visited with everyone. Some of these faces she hadn’t seen since the wedding—like Marc and Lizzie. It was still weird to be around Lizzie and not think of her with Tom. Even though it had been three years since his death. One year to the day that her twins were born. One year to the day that he saved her life yet again. He’d given her life. He saved her that cold day in the ocean. He helped her get to this point in her life when she was so fucking happy and she would be eternally grateful for that.

“Hi Lizzie,” Mia said, going in for a hug. “So glad you could be here.”

“We wouldn’t miss it for anything.”

Gesturing towards Marc who was chatting with Marty and the guys, Mia continued. “How are things?”

“Very good … we’ve got some news.”

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