Never Over You - Ryleigh Andrews Page 0,57

your ass then leave the band.”

“You know I’m just teasing you, right?”

“Yes, jeez,” she said, spinning around in her chair. As she did that she asked him what he thought of the songs.

“I am loving what I’m hearing so far.”



“I was thinking of something else you’ve never done with me.”

He leaned forward, very interested in what she had to say. “And what’s that?”

“Go to an awards show with me. I have one in Europe in a couple of weeks.”

Hmm … this could be fun. Being a part of that with her. Seeing how that side of her life was. “What about Ethan?”

“Game against Denver. Come with me. I want you there. I can introduce you to some hot women …”

He looked up at the door and saw Allie—the one he wanted. The one who vexed him, perplexed him. But maybe getting her jealous would be what he needed for her to let her goddamn guard down.

“I’d love to come, Mia.”

Mia jumped out of her chair in her excitement and smiled wide at Allie. “Did you hear that, Allie? Luke’s coming with us!”

“I’ll add him to the list.”

“Thanks!” Mia said, plopping down on the sofa. Luke got up to look around the room and Allie sat in his now unoccupied seat by Mia and opened up her notebook.

“Tommy D wants to hear some of the new tracks. What do you want to send?”

“Uh, send ‘So Long’ and ‘For You.’ I’m liking those as our first two singles.”

“Me too!” Allie agreed.

“This is such a love album … awww!” Luke teased, peeking into the recording space, guitars all over the place.

“Oh, hush!” Mia said.

“All your fans who are expecting angst will be all confused. ‘Why am I feeling all happy?’” he said, imitating the confusion.

Mia rolled her eyes, but Allie laughed along with Luke.

He turned around and leaned up against the counter and studied the two beautiful women in front of him. These two women may have looked like complete opposites, and in many ways they were, but it was the ways they weren’t—their vulnerable hearts, their passion for sex—that had drawn Luke to them. Allie had been the first woman who had surpassed Mia in that regard—hell, in every regard.

He needed to get his mind off of this or he’d be in one hell of a mood. Looking at anything but them, his eye caught a small pink pile of fabric off in the corner. “What the heck?” Luke exclaimed. He stood up and walked over to what he saw and be damned, it was what he thought.

“What is it, Luke?” Mia asked.

Bending down, he picked it up and held it in the air for both women to see. “Uh, Mia, want to explain these?”

Her already huge eyes got even bigger in shock as they took in the pink panties he held in the air. They were quite nice. Silky. Allie barely held in her laughter, biting her lip and putting her hand to her mouth. Mia jumped out of her seat and snatched the panties from him. “It’s my house and I can have sex wherever I want!” she said, snatching the panties from him.

“They have sex everywhere,” Allie added. “One time I caught them in the kitchen!”

Mia let out an exaggerated gasp. “I thought you were on my side!”

“I’m on the side of funny,” Allie added with a chuckle.

“Still the same, huh, Mia?” he asked. Lost panties had been a common occurrence when he’d dated her. They used to have sex all over—whenever/wherever passion called, they pretty much did it.

“Ow!” he exclaimed as Mia elbowed him in the stomach.

“Both of you. On my last nerve,” she said, stalking out of the studio, but before she did, she stuck her tongue out at them. “I’m going to snuggle with my babies. See me before you leave,” she said, pointing at Luke.

“So, did you really catch them in the kitchen?” Luke asked, sitting on the large leather sofa.

Allie smiled. “Oh, yeah … more like heard it first actually. I went back to my car and waited a few minutes before returning, being extra loud so they knew I was there. Ethan was, of course, embarrassed. Mia was like ‘Yeah, we were just having sex, so?’”

He chuckled. “Definitely sounds like Mia. Now if that was me arriving, I wouldn’t have gone back to my car. I would have walked right in.”

“No way! They are my employers.”

“You do realize you are more than their employee, right?” He couldn’t believe after all this time—the wedding, Copyright 2016 - 2024