Never Over You - Ryleigh Andrews Page 0,152

the Mercedes, the Beemer. Private jets. I could go on.”

“The private jet is not a car,” her husband pointed out.

“But it was fun,” she said and it shut him up. “Oooh! My tennis court!” she exclaimed, slapping at his thigh.

He raised his eyebrows for a moment in thought then grinned and nodded in agreement. “And you can’t forget the basketball court. You had dogs howling all over the neighborhood,” he added.

“Okay! Enough with the reminiscing of all the places you two had sex,” Luke said.

“Luke’s laundry room!” Mia added to rile Luke up.

“Wait. What?”

“Haha!” she laughed, finally settling in to enjoy her birthday. She needed this easy camaraderie with everyone.

Nothing interesting happened in the video for a few minutes then Marc returned to the booth and grabbed his camera. “Where’d everyone go?” he asked before the tape went fuzzy.

“It’s not over,” Marc said.

“More sex?” Lizzie asked.

“No. Just watch.”

When the video finally turned back on, everyone was in the booth, including Tom who was next to Marc. The two of them were across from Mia and Luke. Mia was cradled on Luke’s lap, asleep, her hand resting up on his shoulder. The guys were talking about sports, of course. They were so animated talking about the Chicago Inferno game the night before. He may have worked for the Flash, but Luke would always be an Inferno fan.

“You traitor! I never knew you were an Inferno fan,” Ethan said to Luke. Mia stifled a laugh.

“I grew up here. Of course I was an Inferno fan.”

Mia finally started to wake up. She stretched her back, sticking out her chest. Her hand trailed down Luke’s chest and stopped in her lap.

“You are the cutest thing ever when you wake up,” Ethan whispered in her ear. His breath was warm and it sent shivers throughout her body. She bit her lip to stop a moan from escaping her mouth. She liked her husband’s commentary during this video.

“Ugh, sports talk. Wake me up when you talk about something else,” she stated before snuggling further into Luke’s chest. He chuckled and then leaned closer to her.

“Do you want to go?” Luke asked, tucking her hair back behind her ear. She looked up at him, a sleepy smile on her face, and shook her head and spoke but it couldn’t be heard over all the background noise.

“Are you feeling all right?” Luke asked, touching her forehead with the back of his hand.

“Just really tired,” she responded, resting her head back on his shoulder.

“Are you pregnant?” Luke asked in a hushed voice that was barely picked up by the camera.

Ethan grabbed the iPad from her and paused the video. “Why the hell is Luke asking this?”

“I don’t know,” Mia answered, equally surprised by this.

“Because she threw up when we were outside and then she passed out in my lap. That so was not like her,” Luke answered.

“Resume the video,” Mia ordered her husband. Holy fuck—Tom. The pieces were flowing at her like the debris during a mudslide. There was a good chance she had been, but back then, she hadn’t known that.

“Unless you got me pregnant tonight,” Mia answered Luke.

“Aren’t you on birth control?”

She shook her head and he did not look happy with her. “Since when?” he growled.

“Since the last time I saw you.”

“Mia. That was four months ago!”

“Why use it if you’re not having sex?” she questioned.

“You’re not?”

“No. Not since you.”

That had hurt to admit. She’d missed him so much.

“Don’t look at me like that! I am not like you. I don’t sleep with everything that has a dick.” He looked at her wide-eyed and a smile played with her mouth. “You know what I mean.”

“You know I don’t do that, Mia.”

“Oh, really? It didn’t take long after we broke up for you to find someone else to lie beneath you.”

“But I waited.”

“Would you have stayed faithful to me if we’d stayed together?”

“Yes, but we’re not together now thanks to you.”

“No. That was because you couldn’t keep your dick in your fucking pants when around Taylor,” She tried to leave but he held her firm to his chest.

“Let me go, Luke,” she said, pushing against him, her voice wavering. He put his head to hers, his hazel eyes capturing hers.

“You see, I can’t do that,” he replied, his voice smooth except for just a hint of a tremor.

“Luke,” she spoke, her hand on his chest, clutching his shirt. He leaned closer, his mouth to her ear. What he said couldn’t be heard on the tape. Whatever he Copyright 2016 - 2024