Never Over You - Ryleigh Andrews Page 0,135

eyes and leaned back in his arms as he pumped inside. A few moments later, he felt the orgasm rip through her. She clamped down hard on him and screamed out his name. He was a goner and groaned her name as he filled her.

“Oh my God!” she called out, grasping him, catching her breath. She molded herself so tightly to him that he could feel her heart hammer against his chest. He smoothed her hair, lightly massaging her neck.

She kissed him fast and hard at first and then she came after his lips again, and this time, the kiss was beyond sweet.

“You are amazing,” he whispered against her lips, holding her gaze, seeing the emotional battle playing out in her turbulent brown eyes.

“I’d say that performance was an eight or a nine. What do you think, Allie?” Luke said, breaking the spell, sounding very much like a color analyst for a gymnastics or ice skating telecast. His voice hushed, but loud enough for Ethan and Mia to hear him through the closed door.

“You know, Luke, I’m going to have to go with a nine-point-five on this one. Did you hear the way she screamed out his name at the end?”

“The whole house did,” Luke said under his breath.

Mia chuckled against his shoulder and the lightness of the mood enveloped him, lifting his spirits, giving him more and more reason to feel that they were going to make it.

“What do you two want?” Ethan grumbled, though he was far from upset. He hadn’t been this happy in a really long time.

“Where’s the rest of the food?” Luke asked. “The caterers said the steaks should be here already, but there are none down in the kitchen.”

“Damn, completely forgot about that!” she said, making to get off him, but he held her to him.

“No, just tell him,” Ethan said, sucking on the skin right beneath her ear. He could get her to do anything he wanted while he sucked and caressed on that sensitive spot.

She moaned softly before speaking. “Uh, fridge in the basement … lots of steaks marinating. I’ll be down there in a few minutes.”

“Just so you know, it’s quarter to twelve.”

She cringed and Ethan knew their time was up. She had lots of things to do before the guests started to arrive.

“Now, we are very happy that you’re having all the sex with your dumbass husband, but people should be here in the next half hour or so.”

“Dumbass?” Ethan muttered and she giggled.

“Have they set up out back?” she asked.

“Yes, it looks great. The boys want to go in the water oasis thingy. So clean up and get your ass out of bed,” Luke ordered.

“God, he’s so demanding!” Mia complained.

“He’s your friend,” Ethan replied, toying with a tendril of hair near her breast, feeling her tighten around his hardening cock.

Right in that moment, he knew she was happy and his hope was growing that he would have his wife and family again.

“Whatever! He’s yours! Ow!” she yelped when his teeth nipped at the soft skin of her breast.

“I can hear you,” Luke announced.

“Maybe we should get out of bed,” Ethan suggested, pulling out of her. And he was very happy when she started to pout. He moved her off him and placed her on the bed where she fell back against the pillows. He told Luke they’d be down shortly.

Standing beside the bed, he looked down at her. He’d missed this woman so much, but he also missed this happy side to her. That had been missing for years, this easy-going, silly part of her. What had caused it to go missing?

“Did you have fun?” he asked, hovering over her, his face just a few inches above her. She blushed and her lips twitched a little before she smiled. And it was his favorite kind of smile—her dopey, I’m-so-happy smile. That was the smile he wanted on her face at all times.

“I did.”

“Good.” He kissed her soft lips again. “Happy birthday, suga,” he said, gazing into her beautiful chocolate eyes.

“Thank you.”

He grabbed her hand and proceeded to pull her out of bed. “Now, get your lazy butt up.”

She chuckled. “My lazy butt?”

“Your sexy butt?” he offered.

“That’s better,” she said, heading in to the bathroom. He followed her, watching her bottom sway as she padded barefoot to the shower.

“Damn, Mia, you are so beautiful,” he stated, feeling his body start to stir again.

She looked at him, a thoughtful smile on her face, then shook her head. Closing her eyes, she Copyright 2016 - 2024