Never Over You - Ryleigh Andrews Page 0,117

lieu of an answer.

“We had a lot of it?” he quipped back.

“Ages ago!”

“Has it been that long?” he asked, momentarily sidetracked.

“Ten years.”

“That’s sad.”

“I’ve known you close to fifteen years. Now that’s sad,” she joked, but reached out and held onto him.

“So you had some face time with him, huh?” he asked with a wink.

She couldn’t help it. She laughed—and hard. It felt good. Her body missed it.

“Yes. I did.”


“It was wonderful. Beautiful. Everything it has always been until the end when I let my mind think of where Ethan had sex with Kristen. I was outta there so fast. You’d be proud of me. I did hit him. Dainty fists to his chest, but whatever,” she said, staring off as the tears pooled in her eyes. “It’s been almost a month. It still hurts like the day I found out. I want my husband, Luke, but how can I be with him when I still hurt so much?”

“If you want him, you will figure out a way, Mia. You have to. And you need to talk to him about it. It’s driving you nuts not knowing what happened. Get that from him.”

“That’s gonna hurt to hear.”

“It is,” he agreed. “You’re here until?”


“Seven days. Find out.”

Luke was right as he often was. It was time for husband and wife to sit and talk, but not just now.

“First I’m going to take a nap. What time is it anyway?”

“Almost three.”

“Wake me at dinner time.”

“Wait! You’re not cooking?”

“Uh, no. But I will buy.”

He shrugged his shoulders. “That’s cool, too.”

She kissed his cheek and headed up to her room. Maybe sleep would help her sort out her thoughts because right now, her mind was a jumbled mess.


Mia woke up feeling refreshed, and after pulling her curly mess of hair into an equally messy ponytail, she headed downstairs without a care about changing the clothes she’d slept in.

Mindful to hold the railing, she bounded down the stairs, and headed toward the voices of Luke and Allie. She spied Luke standing behind his wife, who sat on one of the island stools.

“Yeah, she arrived looking quite fucked,” Luke spoke to his wife while he massaged her shoulders. “Literally.”

Allie laughed at that. “So … they had sex?”

Mia took that opportunity to interrupt, wanting them to know she realized they were talking about her. “Yes, we did,” she announced and held in a chuckle as both their heads shot up and their gazes landed on her.

Allie recovered first. “Nice. And?”

Mia shook her head at Allie and smiled. “It was better than nice. At least the sex was. The rest … I’m here not there. That should explain the rest.”

“Mia …”

She closed her eyes and cocked her head to the side. “No. I don’t want to talk about it again. What I want is dinner.”

“Already taken care of,” Luke stated.

“But I was buying.”

“Oh, you did,” Luke said, his eyes landing on his wife. “She hooked me up.”

Mia headed to the fridge to grab something to drink. As she opened the door, she glanced back at Luke. “Just don’t buy any porn with that info.”

Allie barked out a laugh before reining it in.

“I don’t need any more porn. I have the Blu-ray of Burn for You,” he added with a smirk.

Even though she’d appeared naked in that movie, she remained proud of her work in it. Plus she’d looked hot as fuck.

At that, Allie bust out laughing. Mia glared at her and flipped him off. “That’s not porn,” she growled.

“Close enough.”

She grabbed the lemonade and poured herself a glass before she turned to look at her best friend who definitely needed to be put in his place. “You don’t watch that to … you know?” she innocently asked, looking pointedly at his crotch.

Luke huffed in outrage. Allie held up her arms. “Stop it, you two. I swear it’s like having a couple of bickering teenagers here!”

Mia laughed and hopped up on the counter, sipping the lemony drink at the same moment that the doorbell rang.

“Pizza’s here!” Luke announced, leaving to go answer the door. Mia’s stomach grumbled at the thought of having some of that cheesy goodness. She hadn’t eaten all day and hoped Luke ordered more than one pizza because she planned on eating a lot.

While they ate dinner, Allie discussed work, mostly the upcoming shows in Chicago. She wanted the setlist finalized by the end of the week. Mia pulled out her phone, found the note with the songs on it then sent it to Allie.

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