Never Gonna Happen - Cynthia Eden Page 0,90

in your office earlier. It was locked in your drawer, but I’m good with locks. Heck, I’m the one who picked the lock before and took the phone you’d left behind.” Isaac smiled. “I’m good with secrets, too. Found out yours pretty quickly.”

Keep him talking. Antony’s hand slid back to his side. “Which secrets are we talking about?”

“We’re talking about the fact that you’re a spy. Like I said, found out real quick. Well, not super quick, but once I was on your computer, digging around, I was able to put some puzzle pieces together.” He bit his lower lip. “To be honest, it was a hunch at first, but it made sense, you understand? I noted places that you and Sebastian had both traveled to, and I also monitored for reports of any incidents. Tech incidents. The kind of incidents that can embarrass governments.”

“A lot of those incidents aren’t reported.”

“You’d be surprised at what’s on the Dark Web.”

He’s got the gun aimed at my heart. As soon as Isaac had said “covert intel” in that grating voice of his, Antony had known he was looking at the guy who’d been working to steal Shark Gaming and Design secrets. While Antony had been searching on his computer, he’d realized his files had been compromised.

The bastard who compromised everything is right in front of me.

Yes, he’d realized he was staring at his enemy, but Antony had needed to get Ella out of the office because she couldn’t find out that he was a spy. Her text about Dex and Winston had arrived just in time.

Antony knew Ella thought that he was just a tech nerd. If he tried pulling some Jason Bourne shit in front of her, things would not go well.

And I didn’t want her anywhere near this jackass.

Because, yes, dammit, Ella was his head of security. She was smart, tough, savvy, but…

I don’t want her hurt. When it came to Ella, he tended to not always think rationally. A problem he had. He was dealing with it. Sort of.

“Did you hear what I said?” Spittle flew from Isaac’s mouth.

Antony’s fingers skated over the keyboard. “Yes, I did. Dark Web. Scary stuff.” He kept his eyes on Isaac as he slowly typed. “You know, I’ve even heard you can hire killers on the Dark Web. Guns for hire, just like in the Wild West.”

Isaac paled. “They don’t know who I am. I never told them!”

Way to confess. “Yes, but Sebastian is about to get their laptop, and you know once he has it, he’ll be able to trace the communication back to you so—”

“If you hit send on the message you just typed, I will put a bullet in your heart.”

“Calm down,” Antony said.

Too late. The man was obviously way past calm.

Isaac pulled the trigger.



Sebastian’s head jerked to the side when he heard the distinct sound of a gunshot firing.

“That’s…my brother’s office.” Alyssa’s voice shook. “That came from right next door. Antony’s office!”

She lunged for the door.

He caught her around the waist. “Faster way. One that won’t be expected.” Not expected by whoever just fired that shot. He pulled out his weapon from the back of his jeans. Went to the passageway that connected his office to Antony’s. “Stay quiet,” he told her. “He won’t see us coming.”

Alyssa nodded. He opened the secret passageway. Barely breathed as he made his way to Antony’s office. The outer door silently slid open, and Sebastian saw—

Antony, lying in a pool of blood.

And crouched over him…with his gun still drawn…Isaac.

Sebastian aimed his own weapon. “Step the hell away from him.”

Isaac whirled. “What? How the hell did you get in?”

“Secret passage, asshole. Every good billionaire-prick, Batman wanna-be has one.” He heard a gasp behind him and knew that Alyssa had seen her brother.

Isaac’s gun shook as he aimed it at Sebastian. “Wasn’t supposed to go down like this.”

“You mean you weren’t supposed to be the one who pulled the trigger? Because you sent other people to do your dirty work? That what you mean?”

Isaac flushed. “I just wanted the tech. Do you know how much money it’s worth?”

“I’ve got an idea. Considering I fucking made it.”

“You’re such a bastard—”

Was the guy for real? “I’m a bastard? You just shot one of my best friends! Drop the weapon right now, or I will shoot you.”

“No, you won’t.” Isaac’s gaze darted to Alyssa. “You won’t do it in front of her. You want her to see you as the hero. The hero doesn’t shoot. He doesn’t kill. Copyright 2016 - 2024