Never Gonna Happen - Cynthia Eden Page 0,87

the system. Ignored the stack of mail on his desk.

“Since when?” Alyssa asked softly. “I could actually swear that you’ve been barely aware of my existence for the last few years.”

His fingers were flying over the keyboard. Some bastard had been in his system. Good work, but…a little sloppy in places. The wrong places—places that would have sent alarms blaring for Sebastian.

But then, I wasn’t supposed to find his footprints on my system. I was supposed to be dead.

He kept typing. Hunting. Pulling up every piece of data that the unknown bastard had accessed.

Nothing about spy work. This is all pure Shark Gaming and Design. Schematics. System plans. Future development ideas.

“I’m always aware of you,” Sebastian said as he followed the footprints. “Anytime that you’re in a room, I know exactly where you are. And when you’re close to me, that’s when I’m at my best. That’s the reason I want you close right now. I can sure as hell hunt and think better when you’re near. You just make me better.”

“But you were going to leave me.”

For an instant, his fingers faltered. “You make me better,” he said again. “But I’m not sure what I do for you.” His gaze darted to her. “Turn you into a killer? Make you live a life full of danger?”

She slowly shook her head. “You don’t turn me into anything. I do what I want. And if I want to protect you, I will. If I want to have sex with you, I will. If I want to get married and have kids with you…”

He stopped breathing.

“Well, I guess that’s something we’ll talk about later. You know, way after all of your apologies and your declarations about how you love me and stuff.”

“I…I haven’t said I love you.”

“And I haven’t told you that I love you, either. Antony said that. I haven’t told you anything directly. Maybe because I’m waiting on you to make the big move. You kind of owe me, don’t you think? Since you were going to—”

“Don’t you already know, though? Don’t you know how I feel?”

“How would I? Am I supposed to be a mind reader?”

No, of course not. “I’m sorry.” He was. “It’s simple. It’s just…been you, Alyssa. For me, there’s only…you.”


“I need to talk to Antony,” Isaac snapped as Ella and the security guard—some big, muscle-bound jerk with a sneer—tailed him down the hallway back to the Research and Development area on the top floor. “He’ll listen to me. He understands me!”

“That’s not going to happen,” Ella responded.

Isaac whirled to glare at her. “I’m not trying to leave the facility! I’m trying to talk to someone with reason!”

Ella lifted her brows. “Are you yelling at me?”

He was. Because this was bad. “I came to this company because of Antony. He is the one who hired me, not Sebastian. Sebastian has always disliked me and because I made the mistake of taking Alyssa out on one date, now the guy straight-up hates me.”

“You took the boss’s girl out?” The massive guard laughed. “Idiot.”

Isaac felt his cheeks burn. “I don’t know what’s happening here. I heard about the shooting, yes, and this morning when I arrived early, Doug told me there are rumors the company is in trouble. Maybe Sebastian is looking for some kind of fall guy—I don’t know! But Antony can help me. I just need to talk to him for a few minutes. Please, Ella. I am begging you here.”

Her lips pursed.

“Five minutes,” he added quickly. “Just five. Look, I’m not leaving the building! I swear! I’m just going to talk to Antony. You and the guard can stand right outside of his office the entire time.”

“If Antony wants to talk to you, then you can see him,” Ella relented. “For five minutes. But if Antony doesn’t want to see your ass, then you’ll be cooling your heels in your office.”

“It’s not an office,” he mumbled. “More of a cubicle.”


“Your fingers aren’t moving,” Alyssa pointed out as she tried to keep her breathing slow and steady.


“You’re supposed to be finding out what the bad guy did to your system.”

“I already figured it out. He accessed upcoming projects. Got his greedy fingers in all my tech and schematics. He copied the files, probably put them on a tiny flash drive so that he could get them out undetected, and now he’s planning to sell the info to the highest bidder.”

He’d already found out all of that? But he’d only been typing for a few moments. “You work Copyright 2016 - 2024