Never Gonna Happen - Cynthia Eden Page 0,84

hell did I interrupt?”

“Alyssa was telling me her take on the crimes.” Sebastian’s voice was rough, a wee bit raspy, but other than that, he seemed totally in control.

Good for him. Meanwhile, Alyssa’s heart was about to jump out of her chest and her lips were tingling because she swore she could still feel his kiss.

“Uh, huh. You were just talking.” Winston shut the door and sauntered inside. He frowned at his desk. “What happened? Who knocked over my stuff?”

“Dex,” Sebastian supplied immediately. “Such a bastard. Found him in here, sitting on your desk, if you can believe that.”

“What an asshole.” But Winston glowered at Sebastian.


Alyssa shifted in her seat. “How did the interrogations go?”

“It’s looking like the perps have zero clue that they stumbled into a spy web. We’ve got a very solid lead on the person who hired them, though. I’ve got cops retrieving a laptop that should take us straight to the ringleader.”

That was good news. She nodded.

“That’s in line with Alyssa’s suspicions,” Sebastian said.

Winston’s focus sharpened on her. “Tell me.”

Okay. She did. She told him all about how she wasn’t so sure this case had anything to do with spies and that, instead, it seemed to have a whole lot more to do with Shark Gaming and Design. Or at least, that was the way it seemed to her.

Another knock banged on the door.

She wasn’t at all surprised to see her brother stroll in. His gaze was considering as it drifted from her to Sebastian.

“Did you get that shit worked out?” Antony wanted to know as his stare lingered on Sebastian.

“Oh, they got it worked out. Trust me,” Winston muttered.

She flushed. So they’d gotten a bit, um, carried away.

Sebastian took a step toward Antony. “Were you on my computer last night?”

“Yes, sure, I was.” He gave Sebastian a you-should-remember-this frown. “You were there. You burst in and nearly scared the hell out of me. That was right before Alyssa saved me from getting shot.”

Sebastian waved an impatient hand. “After all of that. After we left the hospital and split up, did you go back to access my computer?”

“No. I hit the streets to talk to some contacts I have.”

Winston lifted his brows.

“I have contacts,” Antony mumbled when he caught Winston’s doubting expression. “You and Sebastian are not the only ones with connections. I get that my connections might not seem as cool as the ones you use but—”

“You weren’t on my computer again?” Sebastian’s expression had darkened.

“You hit your head. I get that.” Antony nodded. “Heard all about that header you took into the pavement and that’s why you’re asking the same question over and over again.” He smiled patiently at Sebastian. “No, I was not on your computer a second time last night.”

“Someone was.”

Everyone’s attention locked on him.

“Got the alert on my phone, right before that jackass climbed in the window at Alyssa’s safe house. Literally right before.” Sebastian’s voice was flat. “Then I was fighting that jerk, he was saying there was a bomb, and we had to escape as quickly as we could. During the escape, I lost my phone.”

Alyssa pushed out of the chair. “You almost lost your life.”

“Yeah, that fits, too.” He didn’t seem concerned.

She was plenty concerned. “It fits?” Wow, her voice had just risen way too much. But nothing about him nearly dying fit for her, thank you very much.

“Sure. I was the only one who knew that someone had hacked into my computer. That alert goes straight to me, no one else. I didn’t get the chance to report it or check on it, and if I’d died, then no one else would ever have known that someone at Shark Gaming and Design was hacking into my files.”

She reached for his hand. “Good thing you didn’t die.”

He squeezed her fingers. “Good thing I had you watching my ass.”

She smiled at him.

His dimples started to—

“This is really sweet and all,” Winston interrupted. “But from where I’m standing, it looks like Alyssa is right. This isn’t about your spy BS at all.”

Antony had taken a step back. “No, it’s not. Hell, it’s about the oldest reason in the book, isn’t it? The oldest reason to turn on those close to you. The oldest reason to kill…”

“Money,” Sebastian supplied. “Someone was trying to steal our tech to make a freaking killing. That someone started by using Alyssa to distract you and me both, Antony. Then he stepped up his game and went straight for us. He tried to shoot you. He Copyright 2016 - 2024