Never Gonna Happen - Cynthia Eden Page 0,5

I ignored them.”

She dug in her heels. Turned her head around and locked her eyes on Isaac. “Excuse me?” Ice dripped from her voice.

“I was warned that I shouldn’t go out with you.”

Whoa. Whoa. Isaac had been told not to go out with her? Why the hell didn’t someone tell me not to go out with him?

“I was told that your…interest…was somewhere else.” Isaac’s eyes darted to Sebastian.

And this is not happening. “You were misinformed.”

“Was I?” Isaac puffed out his chest. He seemed to do that a lot. It didn’t make him look strong. It made him resemble a rooster. “You were just defending him to me!”

Yes, she had been defending Sebastian. “So what?”

“Now you’re running away with him! Stories have circulated around the office about—”

“Okay, I don’t have time for this shit.” Sebastian had turned back around, too. “Let’s cut to the chase. You think I’m screwing Alyssa? That what you’re talking about?”

Isaac’s mouth opened. Closed. Opened.

Did he know that he looked like a fish when he did that?

A big shark is gonna eat that little fish.

And the big shark gave his killer grin before he said, “You’re right. I am screwing her. Guilty as charged.”

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

But Sebastian wasn’t done. “I’m overcome with jealousy at the thought of her being with such a dumbass like you, so I stormed in here tonight. I’m going to carry her out, and I will never, ever let her out of my sight again. I’ll spend the next eight to ten hours making wild, passionate love to her, and I’ll make sure Alyssa screams my name until she’s hoarse.”

Oh, dear Lord.

Sebastian’s voice had been loud. So loud that the people in the next box had turned to gape at him.

Alyssa shook her head. “That’s not—”

Sebastian stepped closer to Isaac. “And if you ever fucking leave a mark on her again, I will end you. Are we clear?”

There were lots of whispers around them. She was pretty sure someone was even filming with a phone. Because, of course, Sebastian had been recognized.

Everyone else was all fancy for the theater. Isaac was in a suit and tie. She was in her favorite slinky black dress and her red heels because she did love a splash of color, while Sebastian—he looked all rough and dangerous and sexy, dammit—in his jeans and t-shirt.

“I-I didn’t mean to hurt Alyssa. That was never my intention.” Isaac wilted immediately. No more puffed-up rooster chest. “My apologies.”

“Good job,” Sebastian praised. “You get to keep living.”

“Stop it,” she snapped at Sebastian. What was his deal? He was even more out of control than usual. And that was saying a lot. So much for actually being relieved to see him. She tugged her hand free of his hold.

He immediately let her go.

“I am going home. Alone, gentlemen.” She sniffed. As if they were gentlemen. Not likely. “I’d love to say it’s been a fun night, but it hasn’t. Isaac, I don’t think we’re meant to be.”

His brow furrowed.

“And Sebastian…” Her gaze dipped back to him.

He smiled at her. Flashed his sexy dimples.

She ignored the way her stomach dropped. She’d learned—long ago—to ignore her reaction to him. “I’ll just skip out on the screaming orgasm tonight, but thanks so much for the offer. Instead, I think I’ll go binge watch something.” With that, she skirted around him, left the box, and headed for the stairs.

She did not need this level of drama in her life. Alyssa kept her spine straight and her chin up as she exited with what she thought was pretty good composure. Sure, her cheeks were no doubt flushed bright red, and her breathing was way too fast—

I’ll spend the next eight to ten hours making wild, passionate love to her, and I’ll make sure Alyssa screams my name until she’s hoarse.

She swallowed. Her knees did a jiggle.

Great. Now she was going to have Sebastian’s words replaying in her head all night long.


Sexy as hell.

Sebastian watched as Alyssa walked away with the grace that he’d always admired. The dress slid over his favorite ass ever, and then his gaze darted down the long expanse of her legs to—

Dammit. She’d worn her red heels? For this bozo?

“Am I fired?” Isaac’s voice cracked.

“I don’t have time for you right now.” Alyssa was pissed. He’d have to smooth that over, fast. He bounded after her.

“Are you mad because I called you a selfish prick?”

Sebastian spared a glance over his shoulder. “I am a selfish prick, but, no, dumbass, you Copyright 2016 - 2024