Never Gonna Happen - Cynthia Eden Page 0,49


His gaze swept over her face. “I knew your brother would be pissed.”

“Because I seduced you.”

He shook his head. “That’s not what happened. That’s not—”

“Let’s recap, shall we?” She rubbed her palms over her jeans. Before they’d left his home, she’d thrown on jeans, a black blouse, and her trusty sneakers. “I was the one who went to your bedroom. I was the one who kissed you. I was the one—”

“I was the one who went down on you because I’ve spent too many years wondering how you’d taste.”

Okay. When he said things like that, he made her whole body heat. “How did I taste?” She almost slapped her hand over her mouth after that question burst out.

He stepped toward her. “Delicious.”

The elevator sure was small. Tight.

Or maybe he was just big.

“I’m not fucking bored.”

She side-eyed him. “Don’t remember saying you were.”

“I don’t toss away things that matter.”

“That’s good to know, but, again, I don’t remember saying that you did.”

His lips thinned. “I’m not tossing you away.”

“Great. Because I’m not a thing to be tossed away. Look, I think you and Antony have the wrong idea here.”

He came even closer.

She didn’t back up. Was the elevator shrinking? “I’m staying with you because you saved my life. I trust you to keep me safe.”

“Your brother can keep you safe, too,” he said. He sure sounded grudging with that admission.

Did she have to spell it out for him? “I’m sure the cops can keep me safe, too. I’m sure Winston has a great safe house.”

His lips parted—

“I’m even sure that Dex could set me up with protection. Or I could hire my own bodyguards. I have lots of options.” Had he gotten that last part? “I,” she emphasized, “have plenty of choices, but I want to stay with you.” She forced a shrug. “Antony can deal with it.”


Her head tilted back. He was right over her. Their mouths were only inches apart. They’d made love less than two hours before. Her body was still hypersensitive and too tuned to him. The pleasure had blasted through her. Everything with him had been so much stronger and more intense than it had ever been with anyone else.

“Alyssa, you’re not answering me.”

No, she wasn’t. She leaned onto her toes. Her hand reached toward his side—

His eyes blazed.

She touched the emergency button and got the elevator moving again. Still on her toes, she brought her mouth even closer to his. So close that she knew her breath would whisper over his lips as she said, “You’re a smart guy.” Maybe she let her tongue lick over his sensual lower lip. “I’m sure you can figure out the reason why.”

His hands flew up and locked around her upper arms. “Don’t play with me.” A hard warning.

“I’m not playing.” Again, she let her tongue lick over his lip.

Then his mouth took hers. Her lips were parted and ready, and she met him eagerly. In the back of her mind, she was thinking…Maybe this kiss won’t be as good. Maybe we’ve been together once and now we have that whole wild lust situation out of our system, maybe…

Desire ignited within her. Her tongue stroked his. Need churned through her. The kiss was hot and frantic and passionate. Her nails bit through his shirt as she angled to get closer and closer. She moaned and her body rubbed against his.

The man’s mouth…

The way he used his mouth…

His tongue…

He backed her up. Her shoulders hit the wall of the elevator. Sebastian’s hand slid down to her—

Ding. The doors opened.

“If I were a bad guy, I could shoot you right now. You’d hardly be able to put up much of a fight.”

In a flash, Sebastian had lunged away from her, and he’d pulled out a gun. He had it aimed right at the man who stood just beyond the open elevator doors.


“If you were a bad guy,” Sebastian threw right back, “you’d be dead right now so a fight wouldn’t be necessary.”

Her breath heaved in and out.

Dex laughed. “I’m not bad, so why don’t you lower the gun?”

“I’m supposed to have guards down here. Why the hell are they not meeting me?”

“Because I sent them away. Waved my magical government ID and powers at them, and I overrode your orders. But don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. The lady, too.” He craned to look around Sebastian at Alyssa. “Hi, there.”

The doors started to slide closed again.

Dex leaned forward and stopped them. “You can’t hide in the elevator all night.”

“Hardly hiding,” Sebastian drawled Copyright 2016 - 2024