Never Gonna Happen - Cynthia Eden Page 0,42

safeguards. He’s searching my computer. Right the fuck now.” He fired off a quick text because the guards at the company did need to be alerted. “I’m telling the guards to form a perimeter around my office, but no one is to go in there until I arrive.”

She jumped out of the bed. “I’m coming with you.”

“That’s a bad idea, that’s—”

“I thought the safest place for me was with you.”

Hell, yes, it was. But… “I don’t know what I’ll be facing in there.”

“How many guards will you have surrounding your office when we arrive?”

“At least a dozen.”

“That sounds safe to me.” She stared up at him. “What if this is some trick? Some way of luring you away from me, separating us to make me vulnerable?”

It could very well be.

“I’m coming with you.”

She had been, a few minutes ago. And if he’d had his way, she would have been on the way to coming again and again.

But some jackass had interrupted his plans.

The same jackass who’d been targeting Alyssa? He didn’t buy that this attack on his system was random. No way, no day.

And leaving her at his house while he drove all the way across town…

Possibly leaving her open to whoever might be out there?

“Get dressed,” he told her. “We leave in five.”

And Sebastian put in a call to the man he trusted to have his back. Just in case this scene didn’t go as planned, he always believed in having a contingency plan in place.

Alyssa hurried for the bedroom door.


She stilled.

He sucked in a deep breath. Fury and adrenaline burned through him.

Some asshole is trying to hack my files.

But… “I’ll have you again.”

She looked back at him. Her hair trailed over shoulders. Her eyes seemed extra dark and mysterious.

“And again,” he added gruffly. “This is just beginning for us. You get that, don’t you?” Once wasn’t going to be enough. He’d warned her.

There would be no going back.

Chapter Eleven

“Is there video footage of the guy going in my office? Is there footage of him getting into the building? Getting off the elevator and onto my freaking floor?”

Alyssa tensed when Sebastian asked his rapid-fire questions. They’d made it to Shark Gaming and Design, and Sebastian had immediately been greeted by the head of security, Ella Webb. She’d ridden up on the elevator with them and given status updates to Sebastian. Now they stood just beyond the elevator, in the small lobby on Sebastian’s floor. It was the top floor of the building, and three different corridors stretched out from the lobby. One corridor led to Research and Development, one led to HR, and the final corridor led to Antony and Sebastian’s offices.

Alyssa had known Ella for a while and always found the other woman to be no-nonsense and more than capable of handling any situation that arose. Ella sort of oozed quiet confidence, a trait that Alyssa had often envied. The two women had even gone out for a few ladies’ nights. Ella had some mean dance moves, and she knew how to stop annoying, would-be suitors dead in their tracks.

At Sebastian’s questions, Ella shook her head. “Negative.” Unease flickered over her face.

It was the first time Alyssa had ever seen Ella appear uncertain.

Then Ella continued, and Alyssa understood the reason behind the uncertainty as Ella revealed, “I reviewed the footage, and the feeds went out for a few moments. So brief it wasn’t detected by our system. The guy knows what he’s doing.”

“No, he doesn’t. If he knew exactly what he was doing,” Sebastian retorted, “he wouldn’t have set off my fail-safe.”

Alyssa had no idea what his fail-safe was, but she was certainly grateful for it, especially if they were about to catch the bad guy and end this nightmare.

“Our guards have maintained their positions as ordered. No one has gone in your office, and no one has come out.”

“Then unless he’s pulled a serious Houdini on us, I’m about to catch my prey.” Sebastian nodded. “Good job, Ella.”

She shook her head. “No, it’s a crap job, and we both know it. He got in your office. On my watch. I apologize, and please know, this will not happen again.” Her spine straightened. “I also don’t think you should be the one going in there to confront him. You don’t have experience dealing with perps like this, and I do. You know I worked for five years as a cop. I should handle this, not you. You’re in way over your head. And, ah, of course, I mean Copyright 2016 - 2024