Never Gonna Happen - Cynthia Eden Page 0,34

Antony is. I wanted you to tell me what mission he was working on that blew up in his face.”

She flinched.

“Sorry,” Sebastian murmured.

“I’ll be happy to tell you everything I know about Antony Kyle,” Dex responded, suddenly seeming all genial.

She was instantly suspicious.

“As soon as Alyssa leaves the room,” he finished, voice all smooth like cream.

The man was such a jerk. “It’s my brother’s life you’re talking about! I think I have a right to hear what you have to say.”

“Yes, well, you don’t have the security clearance to hear what I know, so I’m afraid this is a non-negotiable point. I can’t discuss this with a civilian.”


“Dead serious.”

Her stomach twisted. “Is my brother alive?” Oh, God, was he holding that terrible truth from her? Someone had shot at her, and what if someone had shot at Antony, too? What if Antony—

“As far as I know, yes, your brother is alive.” A flicker of sympathy appeared—then almost instantly disappeared—from Dex’s face. “But I truly can’t say more. Not with you in the room.”

He was kicking her out. “I don’t like you.”

“You mentioned that before. Thanks for noting it again. And it may surprise you to hear this, but I actually get that line quite a bit.”

“This is some bullshit.” She turned to Sebastian. “Tell him it’s bullshit.”

“It’s bullshit,” he said.


His gaze slid carefully over her face. “Government red tape is a freaking bitch. I’m sorry, Alyssa.”

So he was shutting her out, too. Her brother’s life was on the line, her life was on the line, and Sebastian pulled spy rank. Her stare jerked between the two men. “Fine. Don’t worry, I know how to find the guest room. Have your spy talk. See if you come up with a way to help my brother.” She marched for the door.


She stilled at Sebastian’s call.

Then she glanced back.

“We will finish our discussion from earlier. We aren’t done.”

Oh, they definitely weren’t done. Did he truly think she was just walking away with her tail tucked between her legs? He’d said she didn’t know the real man that he was. Perhaps he had no clue who she truly was, either.

Because she would get him to tell her every single thing that he learned from Dex. Screw government clearance. Her brother could be in danger. Most likely was in serious danger. She’d do whatever was necessary to help him.

Alyssa stormed up the stairs and headed for her guest room. As soon as she shoved open the door, she heard her cell phone ringing.

Her heart lurched because the last time she’d gotten a call, it had been from the jerk trying to kill her. She rushed across the room and grabbed the phone.

Isaac Swain.

What? Why was he calling her? She almost ignored his call, but then wondered if perhaps he’d seen something at the theater, something that could help with this whole mess. She answered the call and put the phone to her ear. “Isaac?”

“Alyssa! I’ve been so worried! Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.” As fine as she could be with someone trying to kill her.

“I went by your house, but there were cops there!”

Wait, he’d gone by her house? “Why did you go by my place?”

“Because I was worried. You were shot at! I’m sure the attack was meant for Sebastian but—”

“It wasn’t. It was meant for me.”

“Holy shit! Does Antony know? What does your brother—”

I can’t find him. “Look, I appreciate you calling, but I’ve got protection, and I’m good.”

Silence. “What kind of protection?”

The kind of protection that a secret spy offered.

“You’re with him, aren’t you? You’re with Sebastian right now!”

Seriously? Had that been an edge of jealousy in Isaac’s voice? “I have to go. Again, thanks for checking, but you don’t need to worry about me. I’m secure.”

“You’re not safe if you’re with Sebastian! He won’t keep you safe! You need to go to the police! Their job is to literally keep people safe!”

“Good-bye, Isaac.”

“You just want to stay with him! Here I was, all worried about you, but you’re happy to be with him! You’re happy—”

Her spine snapped straight. Enough. “Happy I was shot at? Is that what you think? Hate to disillusion you, but the gunshots didn’t thrill me. Being terrified didn’t thrill me. But having Sebastian being willing to risk himself and rush me to safety? Yes, I did appreciate that, and I appreciate him. So, for the final time, good-bye, Isaac.”

She hung up the phone.

Why the hell did everyone want to keep painting Sebastian as the bad guy?


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