Never Gonna Happen - Cynthia Eden Page 0,22

and stared knowingly at Sebastian.

Shit. This is gonna be a hard conversation.

“I’m worried about him,” Alyssa added. “What if he’s targeted, too?”

Quite possible.

“And my parents?” Her voice rose. “They could be in danger!”

He had to touch her. His hands curled around her shoulders. “They’re okay.”

“How do you know? I couldn’t reach them either—”

“That’s because they are in freaking Antarctica, and you know how hard phone communication is down there. Half the time, the satellite phones are on the fritz.”

She swallowed.

“I made sure they were okay.” Her parents were some of the most brilliant scientists that he’d ever encountered, and they were currently completing a six-week stay in a research lab at what he’d heard Alyssa accurately describe as “the ends of the earth” a few times. “I checked in via email earlier. They are good. They’ll take extra precautions, but, seriously, sweet—um, Alyssa…”

Her gaze sharpened.

“No one can get to them. It’s not like you can just take a train to where they are.”

“Did you tell them about the shooting?”

Now he hedged a bit. “I told them that there was some trouble here and that I was looking after you.”

Beneath his hands, he felt her shoulders tense, but she said, “Good. I don’t want them worrying. It’s not like they can do a lot to help when they’re so far away.”

He rubbed her shoulders.

And caught a knowing glance from Winston.

Sebastian snatched his hands away from her. He shoved them behind his back.

Alyssa turned to face Winston, and as she did, she moved her body a bit closer to Sebastian’s. Her arm brushed against his. “What happens next?”

“I have a team still gathering evidence from your home. I’m sorry, but it’s a crime scene right now. I brought some clothing and essentials to you because the place is going to be off-limits for a while.”

“Thank you.” She fiddled with the edge of her shirt. “I appreciated getting out of my date dress.” Her hands dropped. “If my home is off-limits, then maybe I should move into Antony’s condo for a while. He’s got good security there.”

Sebastian eased a step back, moving out of Alyssa’s line of vision, and he gave several hard, negative shakes of his head. Bad plan, he mouthed to Winston.

“About that…” Winston pursed his lips as if he were thinking over the matter. “Why not stay here? If you’re with Sebastian, then you won’t be alone. We both know he has top-of-the-line security at this place.”

Sebastian nodded.

Alyssa’s head whipped toward him.

He kept nodding. “Excellent idea, Winston. Great suggestion.”

He could see the suspicion on Alyssa’s face. He also saw—

Her refusal even before Alyssa said, “That can’t happen.”

Yeah, it can.

“I don’t want to be a burden to Sebastian.”

“You never would be,” he denied immediately. It was the truth.

Her lips parted.

“I have plenty of room here. I’ve got great security. Hell, I’ve got great security guards, too. While Winston is investigating the case, it makes perfect sense for you to stay with me. Total done deal.”

“It’s not a done deal.”

Winston coughed.

Their gazes flew to him. He smiled. “Hi, there.”

Come on, buddy, back me up.

“Alyssa, I can offer you police protection, if you’d like. We even have a number of safe houses in the area. I can see about getting you set up in one of those.”

Oh, man, seriously? You’re going to do me like this? Fine. Voice hard, Sebastian demanded, “Would you truly feel safer with a stranger guarding you in some dank safe house, Alyssa?”

Winston stiffened. “Dank?”

Sebastian kept this focus on Alyssa. “I told your brother I would look after you, and that’s exactly what I intend to do.”

“Wait—you talked to my brother?”

Whoops. But, shit, she needed to know the truth. Or, as much of it as he could provide to her. Otherwise, she’d be running for a safe house with Winston, and then how was he supposed to keep watch over her? “Yes,” Sebastian drew out the word. “But I’m afraid he’s now out of contact.”

A furrow appeared between her brows. “What did he say?”

Cover blown. Protect my sister. Do anything necessary. “You know, the usual. That he was glad I was around to take care of you.”

Her brow crinkled.

“That he appreciated my efforts. That he’d get back to the US as soon as he could.”

“He’s still working on that gaming distribution in Russia?”

“Um…” That had been the cover story they’d circulated about Antony’s trip. “Look, I’ll tell you everything in a little bit, okay? But first, give the good detective your assurance that you’re safe, and he can be Copyright 2016 - 2024