Never Gonna Happen - Cynthia Eden Page 0,20

lowered. “Five minutes, that’s all I need, and I’ll take you to pick up your clothes,” he said again.

It would take longer than five minutes for the taxi to arrive. Heck, she’d be lucky if a taxi arrived in the next thirty minutes. “Fine. I’ll just eat my way through your supply of chocolate chip muffins.” She grabbed a muffin as he passed her. “They’re my favorite, so it won’t be my fault when I eat them all.”

He paused for a moment. “Of course, they’re your favorite. Why do you think I had them brought in this morning? Eat every fucking one. They’re all for you.”


He was gone.

And she was gripping a warm, soft, chocolate chip muffin. A muffin that—now that she actually looked at it and its fluffy goodness—that muffin must have come from her favorite bakery in town. There was no mistaking it.

But how had Sebastian known that she loved that particular bakery?

How had he known that chocolate chip muffins were her favorite?

She took a bite, moaned and wondered…what else does he know about me?


“The first thing you need to do is stop hiding the key under your damn rock,” Sebastian ordered as he bent and reached into the little flower garden near Alyssa’s front door. A pudgy gnome winked at him as Sebastian picked up the rock and slid its false bottom to the side. “That is like begging for thieves to walk right in your home.” He tossed the rock back into place and looked up to find Alyssa frowning at him. “What?”

“How did you know my spare key was hidden there?”

“Seriously? It’s an obvious spot.” He would be keeping the key. No sense leaving it for bad guys to find.

“What else do you know?”

She was being all suspicious. This was probably not the time to tell her…A whole damn lot.


He freaking loved it when she said his name. He’d love it even more if she screamed it or moaned it. He exhaled slowly. “I know that your alarm code is your favorite holiday.”

Her eyes widened.

He leaned in close. “Fourth of July.” God, he wanted her mouth again. “Because you like the fireworks so much, and you also enjoy sweet apple pie.”

“How—” Alyssa swallowed. “You seem to know a lot about me.”

You have no idea.

From the corner of his eye, he spied her neighbor craning to get a look at them. Since he knew Alyssa hadn’t been keen to the idea of people seeing her in the dress—walk of shame, my ass, she never needs to be ashamed of anything—Sebastian casually moved his body to block the lady’s view.

Sebastian unlocked the door. Muttering, Alyssa hurried inside and typed in her security code—yep, Fourth of July—and then she kicked off her shoes.

He followed her in and, as usual when he was at Alyssa’s place, some of the tension slid from his body. Her home was so damn warm. Cozy. Happy?

Her furniture was comfortable. Vivid, framed and giant photos of the area lined her walls. Photos of all the amazing waterfalls that he knew she loved. Most weekends, she slipped away to hike those falls. Her home was full of color and character. Bookshelves overflowed and a bright red throw was tossed over her couch.

“I’ll be right back,” Alyssa promised as she disappeared down the hallway.

He headed for the nearest bookshelf. Not like Alyssa invited him to her place often, so he liked to check for new things when he did get the chance to slip inside her home. Usually, he tagged over when Antony gave him an off-hand invite, like for an occasional game night or—


He whipped around and ran toward the sound of Alyssa’s shout. He reached her bedroom and threw open the door. He—

She spun toward him. All of the color had drained from her face, and he had never, ever seen Alyssa look so pale.

“I…I think he knew my security code, too,” she whispered. “And I guess he knew where I kept that extra key.”

Sebastian glanced over her shoulder. Saw the red spray paint on her wall. Saw the message.

I will kill you.

“The fuck you will,” he snarled. He grabbed Alyssa’s hand and pulled her close. “You’re coming with me.”


“He could be watching.” He could be fucking here. “Come with me.” He stared into her terrified eyes. Hated her fear. Wanted to destroy the person who’d made her afraid. “Trust me. I will keep you safe.”

She swallowed. “Okay.”

Okay? His body shuddered as her fingers curled around his. Alyssa had just given him her trust. Copyright 2016 - 2024