Never Gonna Happen - Cynthia Eden Page 0,18

“Right. Didn’t mean anything. Of course, not.” His voice was crisp. No, it was flat. Unemotional.

Her hand slid over the bannister. “Besides, I thought you wanted a thank you kiss.”

His head tilted as he studied her.

“Back in the limo, didn’t you ask for one?”

“I want a hell of a lot.” Now his voice was rougher than she’d ever heard it before. “If I ask for everything I want, will you give it to me?”

A shiver slid over her. She should get up the stairs. Go in the guest room that she’d hid in earlier. Lock the door. Sleep this shit off. Instead… “You didn’t tell me why you kissed me.”

He lifted one eyebrow.

“I answered the question. You didn’t.”

“But you lied, Alyssa. Does a lie count as an answer?”

“I most certainly did not—”

“I kissed you because I’ve wanted that sexy as hell mouth of yours beneath mine for a long time, and I doubted the opportunity would present itself again. Like I told you in the limo, I wanted to see how you’d taste.”


“By the way, you are one fucking fantastic kisser. That thing you did with your tongue…and then the way you sucked my lower lip…damn.”

Her cheeks burned. “You’re teasing me.” Making her into a joke.

He walked toward her. Slow. Steady steps. “I’m dead serious. Your kiss was so hot that I need an ice shower.”

Her breath sawed out again. I need one, too.

“So how about we make a deal? You feel any other adrenaline spikes, and you want to work them from your system, then you come right to me. Only me. Because I will be more than happy to help you out.”

He wasn’t serious. Obviously. Shaking her head, she climbed the stairs.

She didn’t look back.


He couldn’t look away.

Sebastian’s gaze was glued to Alyssa as she headed up the stairs. Her feet were bare, her legs were sinful perfection, and the black dress slid over her skin like silk.

He could still taste her.

Still feel her against him.

Sure, he’d wondered about kissing her before. But he’d sworn he wouldn’t do it. He owed Antony far more than he could ever repay. No one knew about how their unlikely friendship had started, no one knew that Antony had changed Sebastian’s life.

And he’d promised. He’d vowed not to put his hands on her.

Unless she asked for them. Tonight, she’d asked for his kiss. He’d given it to her, and his control had gone down in flames. He’d always known that Alyssa would be lethal to him. He just hadn’t realized he’d enjoy the danger of her so very much.

She was at the top of the stairs now. He was still staring after her like some kind of obsessed idiot. The thick carpeting upstairs swallowed the sound of her footsteps as she strode for one of the guest rooms.

He had her in his house. She’d be safe.

Provided, of course, he could keep his hands off her. Because if he gave in to the dark desire he felt for Alyssa, safe was the last thing she’d be.

One kiss…and he was ready to kill for her.

One fuck…damn, who the hell knew what he’d do for her then?

Good thing they weren’t going to find out. Good thing he’d given his promise to Antony.

Unless she asks for me…

Not like Alyssa was going to ask him to fuck her.

But if she did…

“I need the freaking ice shower,” Sebastian muttered.

Chapter Five

“Damn. You are beautiful in the morning.”

She nearly spat out her orange juice when Sebastian’s deep, rumbling voice sounded from right behind her. She hadn’t heard him approach. Alyssa whipped around toward him.

“Oh, look at that.” He smiled. Dimples flashed. “Even more beautiful from this angle.”

She put her orange juice down on his gleaming, white kitchen countertop. “Did you just basically tell me that my ass was beautiful in the morning?”

His grin stretched a bit. “It was my first view.”

“You’re a bastard.”

He shrugged one bare shoulder. Bare because he wasn’t wearing a shirt. He was clad only in a pair of jogging shorts and some sneakers and sweat coated his body. She could see his rock-hard abs. So many abs. Glistening, muscled—

“Do you like your view, Alyssa?”

Please don’t let me be drooling. She sniffed. Her gaze rose. “I like my view from home, thanks so much. It’s a view that I intend to see again very soon.”

His eyes narrowed.

Oh, did he not like her answer? Too bad. She motioned toward him. “Guess you’ve been working out.” Unless you did some other activity that caused you to be half naked Copyright 2016 - 2024