Never Gonna Happen - Cynthia Eden Page 0,15

and easy guy. Wasn’t the fucking bad boy of tech. That was just an image he’d carefully crafted.

The real man was very, very different.

The real man would not hesitate to do anything necessary in order to protect the people he cared about from harm. And in this world, he wasn’t close to many folks. Antony. Winston.


Some asshole had just made the fucking worst mistake of his life.

If you come after her, then you’d better get ready to face me.

Chapter Four

“You’re back!” Alyssa jumped from her chair. Her bare toes immediately curled against the hardwood floor as Sebastian’s gaze lasered in on her.

He stood just inside the doorway of his home. His broad shoulders looked huge. He seemed to tower as he stood there, all tall and strong and…she needed to get a grip.

She was practically vibrating as she stared at him, but, dammit, she’d been scared. That whole phone call, the bit about missing her…

What was going on?

The guards approached Sebastian, and he spoke quietly to them. She inched closer as she tried to make out a few of their words.

“…keep watch on perimeter…”

“…all security protocols in place…”

“…her safety is top priority…”

“…I’ll fucking dismember anyone who screws up and gets her hurt!”

Alyssa’s eyes widened at that last part from Sebastian. Surely, she’d heard wrong. He hadn’t just threatened to, ahem, dismember an employee?

The guards hurried out. He shut the door behind them, locked it, then stood there with his back to her and his hands pressed to the wood of the double entrance doors.

Silence stretched. A long, uncomfortable stretch.

She crept a little closer. “I need to get home.”

His shoulders stiffened. With his back to her, Sebastian shook his head.

She nodded. Then realized he couldn’t see the movement. Crap. What was wrong with her? It’s just because it’s been one hell of a night. Squaring her shoulders, Alyssa marched for him with a determined stride. When he didn’t turn at her approach, her hand reached out and touched the middle of his back. “Sebastian, it’s time for me to go home.”

A shudder worked the length of his body. Then he turned. Her hand slid over him as he turned, moving around his body so that when he faced her, her hand lingered on his chest.

Why was her hand lingering?

Alyssa snatched the lingering hand back and balled it into a fist.

He looked at her balled hand and his expression was all extra broody and dark. “It’s really late. You should just stay the night.”

Her heart seemed to stop. “You want me…to spend the night…with you?”

His green gaze lifted. She swore that she saw lust burn bright and hot in his stare before he rumbled, “Yes.”

Alyssa swallowed. “That’s not going to happen.” But I’ve sure dreamed about it a time or fifty. You couldn’t control the dreams that snuck into your mind late at night. Turned out, her unconscious self was super naughty and X-rated when it came to Sebastian.

“Relax.” His sensual lips quirked. “I didn’t mean that as an invitation to crawl into my bed.”

Her eyes turned to slits. “Of course, you didn’t.”

“Though, should you be interested…” He let the sentence trail away.

“Obviously, I’m not interested in joining the hordes.”

His brow furrowed.

“I am interested in going home, though. You’re kind of in my way. You know, literally blocking the door and all as you stand there. So if you could just move aside…” Hint. Hint.

He didn’t move. “What hordes?”

“You’re in my way.” She should probably call a taxi.

His head cocked to the right. “Who told you there were hordes? Was it Antony?”

“Still in my way.”

“There aren’t hordes. I’m very particular about my personal life.”

This was one of the worst conversations ever. “I have no interest in hearing about the women you take into your bed.”

“Really? I’ve always been curious as hell about the lucky men who get into yours.”

He had not just said that to her.

“Curious. Jealous. Pretty much in the mood to beat the shit out of them.” A shrug of one shoulder. “You know how it is.”

She shook her head. Alyssa had no idea how it was. She could only gape at him. Her eyes weren’t slits any longer. She was sure they’d doubled in size.

“Oh.” A nod from Sebastian. “Am I oversharing?”

You are, yes.

He scraped a hand over the stubble on his jaw. “Been a fucking long day with lots of unexpected developments. Ignore me. I’m talking bullshit.”

“I…” She cleared her throat. “I figured you were just messing with me.”

His hand fell. His stare slid slowly over her face. Copyright 2016 - 2024