Never Give Up - Heidi Lis Page 0,74

sign, he’s holding that finger, telling you to wait for his daddy. He knew back then that you belong to me.” Not even expecting him to say this, I close my eyes and let that idea and memory take center stage in my heart. Enraptured with his declaration, I can’t help feeling euphoric.

Forever Micah, forever Michael. Both of these boys have enraptured my heart and soul forever.

I SPENT THE NEXT week in a frenzy of disarray and commotion to say the least. I try to spend as much time with Micah as we caught up on each other’s lives, and I’m amazed at most of the things he’s been up to. Shortly after coming home from the Air Force, he decided to partner up with Matt and they are now operating a successful home based security business. Business seems to be booming so they were able to hire additional help. Their father’s long line of friends and loyal customers with the McIntosh Group have been more than willing to support them and recommend the Taylor boys.

It was great up until Micah dropped a bombshell on me. It seems his plans now involve me leaving my current job to run their front office. Call me crazy, but I’m considering it. I asked him to give me a few days to think it over, though. Life with Liza has been a struggle. Eating, sleeping and working with her is not working out. Living with the daily struggle, prompted Micah to not only ask me to work with him, but to move in with him as well. If I had to bet, I’d say this worked to his advantage perfectly.

Living and working with him does solve the Liza situation entirely. On both fronts, it’s a good idea. Moving too fast? Maybe to some people, but my heart knows what it wants, it always did when it came to him. So moving too fast? I think not!

“What can I do for you, Elsa?” Sitting across from my boss, he sits smiling at me, and I’m sure he’s not ready to hear what I’m about to say. His desk is messy with charts, x-rays, and even plastic teeth. I’m going to miss this.

Even though I’m positive about leaving, I’m nervous facing my boss. “I have to give you my notice, I’m leaving Dr. Davis.” Biting my lip, my leg bounces with nervous energy. God, I hate this.

Pausing he nods his head, but looks puzzled. “I see, can I change your mind?”

Shaking my head, I truthfully answer. “No, I’m sorry. It’s not you or the office, I’m going to work for Micah.” I know he has heard all about him and what he means to me. He’s also noticed the coolness between Liza and me lately.

He eyes me, knowing there is not a thing he can do to sway my mind. “I figured as much, I don’t like it though. You’re an excellent member of this team, and you will be missed.” Sighing loudly, he adds, “I also fully understand. Thank you for all the time you’ve given this office. It will be hard to replace you. I can contact the agency to send someone over.”

I sat in disbelief. That was easier than I thought it would be. I had expected him to be upset, but he was quite the opposite. In fact, it bothered me a little. I’m not sure if I wanted him to fight a little harder to get me to stay, but I wanted something, at least. I know this is what I want, but I’m also leaving my friends and patients I’ve come to love and see on a daily basis. I’ve got to remember, it’s for me and Micah. This is a good thing. Dr. Davis gave me a big hug and an open door to come back anytime.

Climbing in my car, I dial Micah to tell him the good news.

Answering the phone, he’s as cheery as always. “Hey beautiful, what’s new with you?”

Smiling from ear to ear, his voice alone sends my heart singing.

“Well,” I teasingly say, “I’m about to make your damn day.”

He chuckles into the phone. “You already do, pretty girl, but what did you do now?”

I don’t hesitate. “Gave my notice, I’m now a week away from begging you to give me a job.” I can hear his gasp, oh yeah, I surprised him.

“Oh baby, you’ve absolutely made my day. Excellent news, now move in with me and I’ll have it all.” He says eagerly.

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