Never Give Up - Heidi Lis Page 0,32

is giving me, I can’t help but melt into his arms. My sobs overtake me as he cups my face in his big hands. Micah doesn’t hesitate, he takes me into his lap and envelopes me in his arms like a blanket. I don’t pull back, instead I go willingly. All of these years of wanting his arms around me, I finally have it. And it’s everything I dreamed it would be.

I cry harder, grabbing his shirt as tight as I can. With my face in his neck, I let the years of sorrow escape. His smell is, so familiar. His body is leaner and stronger than it was five years ago, and he’s still handsome as hell. He’s matured with prominent cheekbones to his chiseled jawline. He looks more refined. He may not be mine anymore, but I need this moment with him. I need to grieve, and in doing so with him here, it’s comforting in some bizarre way.

His set of sobs, have him choking up as he says. “My world was not the same without you in it. My head was so messed up, you were becoming my reason to believe in love. I’m so sorry, Elsa. Please forgive me…for being a coward.” Kissing my forehead, he lets out a subtle sigh. “Forgive me for giving in to my father. I could have had both, I should have had both, my mistakes have cost me so much.”

There is tightness in my chest and, I’m fighting wanting to shout out to him how much his mistakes have cost us both.

“They cost me, you, knowing you have carried all of this pain with you all of these years. I’m such a selfish bastard.” He says, rubbing the back of his neck. Tears engulf us both, and I realize Liza was right. We both needed this moment, a moment to remember, reflect and maybe even forgive.

I lower the guard around my heart. “I’ve never stopped loving you Micah, you were my world. I was sixteen, but you were my being and my reason. Age had nothing to do with that.”

Pulling back, my eyes drift into those baby blues. Filled with clear, crystal tears. Before I lose my courage, I’m struggling to find my ability to speak. “Can I ask you something?”

Micah wipes my tears with his thumb, and lets out a relaxed sigh. “Of course you can, pretty girl,” he says with a smile.

His damn smile, oh my, it’s a killer. “Why Ace and not Micah?”

Pausing for a moment, his face masks a look of pain and regret. “You were no longer the one calling my name,” he eyes dart to my lips glistening with my tears, “my name was only yours to say. Coming from your lips was the only time I wanted to hear it. You were no longer with me, and I left that part of me with you. Ace was just a replacement, just like every girl since you has been.” With his admission, he’s searching my eyes for my reaction.

I continue to try to understand what he just said to me, trying to process it all. I’m fascinated, looking at his lips then his eyes, and I gasp at the enormity of their meaning. Our eyes hypnotized with appreciation, locked on one another, with seemingly not a care in the world. Caught up in the moment, I crush my lips to his. The salty taste of our tears melt on my tongue the minute my lips connect with his soft, wet ones. Another giant sob resonates throughout my body, only this time Micah moans, forcefully pulling me against his broad chest. The emotions pour out of each of us, can only be described as carnal. A desperate yearning we both escape in. I’ve lost all rational thoughts.

Running my hands through his hair, I grab it tight, yanking his head back enough so our lips part. My emotions are thundering past my lips. “I hate you so much, I have hated you for so long. God, I gave you all of me, Micah…I gave you so much, more than you know.” My words drift away when our lips reconnect. The chemistry between us is just as potent as it was back then. The moment his strong, firm lips melt against mine, the burning fire in the pit of my stomach ignites. My stomach flutters as my hands tremble with unbridled lust. My connection with Micah is so surreal, it’s as if our bodies remember one another. Copyright 2016 - 2024