Never Give Up - Heidi Lis Page 0,22

of the day is uneventful. Unfortunately, my mind has been all over the place since Matt showed up out of nowhere. He left with no further incident. I think he felt sorry, because he did not say another word about his brother. After the way I reacted, I’m sure he saw how shaken up I was.

I’m stuck having a recurring theme plague my every thought. There is a part of my past that has a real connection with Matt, his whole family if I’m honest. The idea that no one in the Taylor family knows is hurting me. I know I can never tell them, and that’s what saddens me the most. Even if I could, what would be the point? It’s too late.

It’s nearing the end of my day and it could not come fast enough. My head has not been right since Matt was here. Liza has been busy most of the day, so I didn’t have to worry about her prying too much. It worked out perfectly, I played my bizarre behavior on a bad headache, and she bought it. There was not a snowball’s chance in hell, I was telling her who Matt was. Hell, I’ve never even told her Micah’s name. I’ve kept that part a secret, because I never wanted a long conversation that included his name being brought up over and over again. She never pushed, and I never offered it up.

Cleaning up my desk, I glance up and see Nick walking to the front door from the parking lot. Shit, dinner. Oh man, this is the last thing I need tonight. How the hell do I get out of dinner? Simple. I don’t. I suck it up. Nick does not need to find out about this little hiccup.

Opening the door, he says, “Hey beautiful girl, ready for dinner?” His emerald eyes sparkle drinking me in.

Just like that, my frown turns into a smile, a genuine smile. Nick just knows me. He’s exactly what I need to forget my crappy day. Straightening out my head, I hold up my finger to let him know I’ll be ready soon. “Give me a few and we can head out.”

Giving my area a once over, I grab my purse and reach for the door handle. Liza is working late with a patient. They have another hour ahead of them. Knowing her boyfriend is coming to pick her up, I’m ready to go. With my hand on the door, the phone rings, and I ponder on whether to answer it or let it go to the recording. “What now.” I let go of the door handle to answer it.

“Noelridge Dental, can I help you?” My voice is marginally stressed.

An awkward pause follows.

“Elsa, is that you?”

“Yes, this is Elsa, can I help you?” I’m not paying much attention, because the file on my desk needs filing. Not thinking much else, I turn to do just that saying the alphabet in my head, to make sure the chart is filed correctly.

“Oh my God, this is you.” His voice softens to a whisper.

It’s then I freeze. A burst of adrenaline blasts my body like a locomotive My heart slams out of my chest and hits the floor.


“Micah.” Saying his name ignites a tingling sensation across my body.

Taking every ounce of strength I have in me, I whisper his name with my eyes squeezed shut. My racing heart feels like it might explode. Damn near knocking the wind out of me, my legs give out. Luckily, my chair catches me. Upon opening my eyes, the first thing I see is Nick standing in the doorway, staring right at me.

MY HEAD’S SPINNING, and the awkward silence is almost too much to bear. I’m clueless what to say to him, and by the lack of words coming from him, I can only guess he is feeling the same way. The shock on Nick’s face gives way to the look of horror on mine. This day is going to kill me yet. So many emotions are running through my mind. Holding my hand over my mouth, I can feel the tears threatening to escape.

Nick’s startled expression abruptly changes to a murderous stare. He’s watching me fall apart in front of his eyes. I know the more I crumble apart, the more his look transforms into hatred.

Clearing my mind and throat, I’m desperate to make Micah understand. He’s repeatedly asked me to talk with him. With him on the phone, Copyright 2016 - 2024