Never Always Sometimes - Adi Alsaid Page 0,92

and the prom queen,

Rosie Barajas, took the stage and were crowned, still to the Miss

America song.

“You know,” Dave said. “I’m glad it happened.” He looked at

her, gauging her reaction, making sure what he was saying wasn’t

insensitive. She seemed at ease, though, calm.

“What part?”

“All of it,” he said. “The Nevers, the beach, even those few hours

where I had the worst-colored hair on the planet.” Everywhere around

him there were ecstatic people, kids drunk on covert alcohol and

inappropriate dancing, drunk on the feeling of summer within reach,

drunk on the thought that they were done. “You were the first girl I

loved, as a friend or otherwise. You’re my best friend, Julia.”

“You’re my best friend, too, David Sporkful McGee.”

“Sporkful McGee?”

“Shut up. Wasn’t my best.” Looking around the football field,


her blue eyes were thoughtful, intense. He wondered what she was

thinking, how hurt she still was. The royal couple left the stage and

another band came up, fiddling with the connections, setting spare

guitars up on racks, sending ripples of feedback into the night. “You

know, I was thinking of a new list,” Julia said. “The Always. A list of

clichés to do throughout college. Frat parties, editorials in the school newspaper about the evils of the administration, paying some creepy

dude fifty bucks for a fake ID. There’s a whole new world to be


Dave laughed and bumped her with his shoulder. “You have a pen

and paper?”



FIRST OF ALL, a huge thanks to the fantastic team at Harlequin

Teen, who’ve made my publishing experience such a good one that

my previous dreams about being published feel tame in comparison.

From the editorial team to the sales team and everyone in between, the

support has been humbling to say the least.

Tashya and TS, of course, for their editorial guidance. Lisa Wray,

for all she does for me on my bookish travels. Amy Jones and Michelle

Renaud, for hanging out with me all over the place. Dave Carley,

Heather Foy, Melissa Anthony, Brent Lewis. Sigh, there are so many

to name. I never quite understood how many people are involved in

putting together a book. Now I’ve seen it firsthand, and I’ve met so

many of them, and it’s still pretty hard to wrap my head around it.

Thank you for all you do.

Laura, who begged me for information about this book for a long

time before I gave anything away, and yet loved me just the same. Also,

for taking me on adventures, and for helping me cowrite the greatest

pop song the world will ever hear.

My family, who begged me for information about this book for a

long time before I gave anything away, and loved me a little less for

it. Just kidding, Mom. Everyone who’s met my family knows they’re

all great, and supportive, and deserving of their own paragraph in the

acknowledgments sections of my books.

Annie Stone, for not leaving me completely orphaned. Emilia

Rhodes, who, though she orphaned me, had a significant role in the

creation of this book. Sara Shandler for her wisdom, particularly

in improving the second half drastically. Josh Bank, too, since the

pitching room would not be the same without him. Partially because

it was his office.

To the incredibly supportive community of YA authors whom I’ve

had the great pleasure of meeting since first getting published, either

in person or online. Of course, the supportive community of readers,

librarians, bloggers, booksellers, random one-time e-mailers, whom

I’ve either met or e-met. I like meeting people, is what I’m saying,

especially bookish people. It’s been my favorite part of being published: all the people I’ve met since.

My teacher friends at the American School Foundation, who let me

sit in on high school classes in order to draw inspiration for made-up

teens from actual teens, since, as much as we like to pretend, adults

forget exactly what it’s like to be a teenager as soon as we’re not one.

Brett Sikkink, Carlos Kassam-Clay, Perri Devon-Sand, Renee Olper,

Julien Howeveryouspellyourlastname, Mark Abling, Guy Cheney,

Amy Gallie, others I’m sure I’m forgetting. John Powell, for giving me

a coaching job and still allowing me to run off to do author things.

Harry Brake and Daniel Thomas for allowing me to crash their Open


Mic nights. I promise no one in this paragraph inspired Mr. Marroney.

The students of ASF, of course.

One last paragraph of friends whose names deserve to be in

print: Chris Russell, David Isern, Maggie Vazquez, Edgar Gutierrez,

Gonzalo Scaglia, Sergio Rodriguez, Paul Donnelly, Cassie Harrell,

John Kennedy (real name), Gillian Horbach, Chris Farkas, Lundon

Boyd, Ryan Troe. Joshua Zoller, who always has a hookah ready for

me. Dawn Ryan, for her role in making it all happen. Cris de Oliveria,

who will one day print my name in her acknowledgments section.

Whytnee, Dennis, Bugs, Leah, who are always there to welcome me

in NY.

Finally, a big sarcastic thanks to the jerk who made acknowledg-

ments sections a common practice. I’m very grateful, to a lot of people.

But this was stressful.

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