Neve (Silver Skates #3) - Helen Scott Page 0,47

warm back up. It was cooked, just cold. When I turned back around, the two of us just watched each other, an awkwardness settling over our conversation.

After a moment, Neve took a big gulp from her wine glass before clearing her throat and asking, “So what’s it like playing hockey for a living? Especially supernatural hockey. I’ve never seen anything like what you guys do.”

“It’s definitely an interesting sport. I’ve always loved hockey, and adding the supernatural element just makes it that much harder. I don’t know whether it’s the reindeer in me or what, but I love the rush I get on the ice. Winter is my favorite season. I love the cold, and being able to shift into my animal without getting weird looks is a bonus as well.”

“Seemed like there were a lot of, uh, fans waiting for you after the game,” Neve said, studying her glass of wine intently. She was trying to be smooth and not let on what she was really asking about, but she didn’t fool me.

“Were there? I try not to pay any attention,” I said nonchalantly as I moved around the counter to be closer to her.

Neve looked up at me, analyzing me for a moment before she replied, “Liar. You know there were. Do you have your own pack of groupies, or do they just take anyone on the team?”

“Uh, they prefer the term puck bunny, thank you very much.” I feigned outrage on their behalf. “And I do have a few…enthusiastic fans but I don’t, uh, partake in what they’re offering.”

“You don’t, huh?”

“Swear on my hockey stick,” I replied, grinning down at her. Even perched on the bar stool that had been tucked under the lip of the counter, she was much shorter than me.

“On your hockey stick? How about your other stick?” She winked at me.

“You want me to swear on my own cock that I don’t fuck the puck bunnies?” I asked, humor lacing my voice.

“Sounds good to me.”

“Fine.” I reached for her hand, the one not holding onto the wine glass, and placed it on the fly of my jeans, which made her pupils dilate in a way that made me want to say fuck it to dinner and fuck her instead. But I also didn’t want to be disrespectful, so I continued, “I, Niklaus Dulka, do so solemnly swear that I have not fucked a puck bunny since I started playing professionally.”

“Nice addendum there,” she said before taking a large sip of wine. She may not have said anything, but she and I both knew I was hard for her. It would take a true innocent to miss what the hard bulge under my fly meant, and I knew that Neve was anything but innocent, which was actually something I loved about her. I didn’t want a simpering virgin that I had to coax through the act. I wanted a woman who could fuck, who would ride me with confidence, who would let me fuck her hard and fast if we wanted or soft and gentle. Most of all though, I wanted a woman who knew what she wanted.

“You know there’s no one else for me now, right, Neve? You’re my mate. It took everything in me that first day not to deck Rory, and it’s only because the others are your mates as well that I don’t fight them all. I mean, have you ever seen any kind of deer sparring over their chosen female? We aren’t exactly known for standing down. You’ll be my forever, my everything, if you’ll have me.”

As she watched me talk, I could swear that her eyes became misty. I couldn’t resist any more, so slowly, I leaned down and brushed my lips over hers. It wasn’t the passionate, fire filled kiss I’d given her at the stadium, because I wanted her to know I could be gentle as well. Did I want to seduce her and spend all night in bed with her? Yes, but I also had a late practice to get to, which was precisely why I’d chosen dinner tonight, so that I would be forced to show some restraint.

It wasn’t uncommon for newly mated couples to spend weeks in bed together and only to emerge when they were desperate for food or fluids. My intention had been to avoid that, but when her hands wrapped around the back of my neck and drew me closer so she could deepen the kiss, it was all over.

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