Neutral Zone Trap - Bianca Sommerland Page 0,55

until now.”

Breathing became a bit easier after that. Ryan finally understood how the team was like one big family. He hoped to meet Braxton’s parents one day, but until he did, these were the people he had to impress. And so far, he seemed to be off to a good start.

The movie Casey had put on drew everyone’s attention while they waited for the pizza. Ryan lifted Braxton again to let his lap take the place of the cushion, enjoying the feeling of all the tension easing out of his boy as he lay against him.

When the doorbell rang, Casey leaped to her feet and ran over to answer. After carefully sliding out from under Braxton, Ryan joined her.

“That’ll be fifty-seventy-five.” The young delivery man, who’d been here before, held out his hand to Casey as Ryan took the pizza.

Casey’s eyes went wide. “I don’t have any money.” She dug into the pocket of her jeans and held out a few shiny rocks. “But these have to be worth something?”

Ryan crouched down beside her. “How about you keep those, because they do look valuable.” He pulled out his wallet and handed her his credit card. The order was already paid for, but the delivery guy had made the whole thing into a game for Casey. Ryan was going to make sure she had fun with it.

With a serious nod, Casey considered the card, then handed it to the young man. “I’d like a receipt, please.”

“Of course.” The young man pretended to swipe the card in the reader, then printed out the receipt. “Sign here, please.”

Tongue between her teeth, Casey scribbled her name, then handed Ryan his copy. “Thank you, and keep the change. Mommy says a twenty percent tip is good. You got thirty. I’m good at math.”

Looking at the receipt, Ryan blinked. He’d added what he thought was a good amount, knowing it was more than expected, but not calculating anything. Smart kid, she was absolutely right.

The delivery guy gave a quick nod and grinned. “Thank you, miss. And enjoy your meal.” He bobbed his head again. “Have a nice evening, sir.”

In the kitchen a few minutes later, Ryan let Casey help him get plates and napkins for everyone. Children had never been on his radar, except when trying to comfort victims, but he couldn’t help look at her and wonder what it would be like—a very long time from now—to raise a child with Braxton. He was so attentive and gentle and patient. He’d make an amazing father.

He wasn’t the only one thinking that way by the bit of conversation he caught when he went into the living room with Casey.

Head buried under the cushion, Braxton let out a laugh cut off with a groan. “I know. If I had ovaries, they’d be bursting. Or...ugh, that’s bad to say, right? But...the feels!”

Practically choking on his rootbeer, Scott gave Ryan a look that said he knew he’d heard plenty, but would pretend otherwise. “Well done, tiny. Come sit in front of the coffee table to eat. Do you want me to cut it for you?”

“Yes, please, Demmy.” Casey leaned against Scott’s side as he sat next to her. “Kids at school think it’s weird to cut up pizza, but I burn my lips otherwise and I don’t like that.”

“It’s good to be firm about what you like or don’t like, no matter what other people think.” Scott gave a nod of thanks when Ryan got him a fork and knife. “I usually let mine sit for a bit to cool down, but with all the playing you did in the park, this will get the food in your belly faster and you need a refill.”

Back with Braxton, Ryan helped him sit up, keeping the blanket around him. There were still times when he got the chills, but it was hard to tell how much of that was fear setting in. Yes, he’d been diagnosed quickly, and had the best care, but Ryan had been there when it hit Braxton how serious his condition had been. How many people didn’t make it. Recovery wasn’t only physical, it was mental, and Ryan was here for both.

Right now, his man seemed absolutely charmed by the little girls, his eyes bright with wonder, as though exploring brand new territory. If they were going to start setting long-term goals, Ryan had a feeling kids were going to be part of it.

And he didn’t mind the idea at all.

His parents were going to love it.

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