Neutral Zone Trap - Bianca Sommerland Page 0,48

wants. But I won’t torture you. Give me a few minutes, I’ll see if I can get a hold of Oriana. She went on the road with them and she’ll know what’s up.”

“Thank you.” Letting out a sigh of relief, Ryan tipped his head back. “Hell, this was easier than I thought it would be. I was expecting to feel guilty. I should’ve known better.”

That got him a sharp laugh. “Oh, I’m not done with you yet, big brother. Save it. We’ll get there when you’re not worried about your man. I love you. Bye.”

After the line clicked off, Ryan smiled a little, knowing Laura was only teasing. His sister could hold a grudge like no one’s business, but he could tell when she was really upset. She didn’t hold back. In this case, she’d likely want to talk things over, but more than anyone, she’d understand him hesitating, for any reason.

Which didn’t stop him from checking his phone every five minutes, waiting for her to call him back. He managed to eat a bit more, but the food was tasteless. For some reason, his mind kept going to worst case scenarios. There was no way Braxton wouldn’t call him if he could. The young man was many things, but thoughtless wasn’t one of them. He knew how closely Ryan watched his games. That he’d be concerned when he didn’t see Braxton out there.

About half an hour passed before his phone rang.

“I need you to listen to everything I have to say before you freak out.” Laura’s soothing tone only put Ryan more on edge, but he didn’t interrupt because he needed whatever information she had now. “Braxton was feeling off this morning, but like all players, he pushed through it. No one knew anything was up until just before the game. Sloan caught him swaying on his skates and pulled him aside. He was running a fever. It was really high, so they sent him to the hospital. The flu’s been going around, so they think it’s that.”

Ryan braced his head on his hand, elbow on the kitchen table where he’d finally stopped pacing. “Are they sending him home?”

A pause, then Laura sighed. “Not yet. He was dehydrated and they want to keep him a few days because of some complications. The team makes sure the players always have the best doctors, Ryan. He’s in good hands.”

But he’s not with me.

Nodding slowly, Ryan sat back in his chair. “I guess he’ll have friends or family there with him?”

That got him a longer silence. “Both his parents are in the military and aren’t due back for months. Braxton has a request that no one contact them unless it’s life or death. Sloan and a few other players will check in on him when they can, before the team continues on the road. He’ll be sent home as soon as the doctors feel he’s up to it.”

In other words...Braxton will be alone.

Like hell.

Ryan pushed to his feet, then headed to his bedroom. He grabbed an overnight bag from his closet. “Text me the name of the hospital and his room number. Tell Callahan I’m on my way so I’ll be cleared to see him.”

“Are you serious? Ryan, think about what you’re doing.” Laura sounded stunned. “If you’re not careful, you’ll out him...and yourself. Are you ready for that? Are you sure he is?”

Bag open on his bed, Ryan began tossing in what he’d need for the next few days. “If he’s not, I’ll do what I have to so this is kept private. I’m sure the team will cooperate, not all the queer players on the team are out. We’ll take this at his pace.”

With a quiet sigh, Laura seemed ready to try a different approach, but she was too straightforward to pussyfoot around the issues. “I can tell you care about him very much, but this all seems...very fast for you. I’m not going to lie, I can’t wrap my head around you taking leave at a moment’s notice and hopping on a plane to look after a man you’ve been dating mostly long distance for two months.”

A smile tugged at Ryan’s lips, despite the concern constricting his chest and his need to keep moving so he could get to Braxton as soon as possible. “Because it’s not something I was ever willing to do for anyone except you and our parents. I wasn’t willing to take chances or let anyone in, I thought I had everything I could ever Copyright 2016 - 2024