Neutral Zone Trap - Bianca Sommerland Page 0,41

was the pile of laundry getting too big?”

Braxton snickered at the last and shook his head. “There was barely enough for two small loads.” He shrugged and lowered his gaze. “I enjoy doing things that make you happy.”

Ryan’s expression warmed as he pushed away from the doorframe and came toward Braxton, tipping up his chin with a finger and claiming his lips in a deep kiss that stole all the air from the room. A warmth filled Braxton’s chest and he couldn’t help see how domestic this all was. Which he’d been afraid Ryan wouldn’t want, but he’d have said so, wouldn’t he?

“Come on, we’ll fold them together and I’ll order some pizza for lunch.” Ryan pulled his phone out of his pocket and used an app to place the order. “I have one day left with you, and as much as I’d enjoy one less chore, I’ll get restless if I have to sit there and watch.”

Braxton’s lips curved. “And you also need to make sure I do it exactly how you like it.”

With a wry grin, Ryan inclined his head. “Yes, there’s that too.”

In the living room, Braxton set the basket on the floor by the coffee table and sat next to it. While Ryan searched for something on TV to watch, he began folding towels. The first one didn’t look horrible, but the next was a completely different shape. He frowned and started over.

Better this time, but still…

“I am not that anal, Braxton.”

Biting into his bottom lip to hold back a laugh, Braxton glanced over at the other man.

Who shook his head and chuckled. “Brat. You know what I mean. Here, pass me one.”

Spreading the towel on the coffee table, Ryan folded it along the length, then along the width, then in three. When Braxton did the next one—much slower because he wanted it to turn out just as nice and neat—he was happy to see the simple method worked for him too. He fixed the first towel he’d done, then piled them all together.

“Very nice.” Ryan curved his hand around the back of Braxton’s neck, stroking the length of his throat lightly with his thumb. “I could get used to this.”

A cozy sensation of pure joy flowed over Braxton, surrounding him like a blanket straight out of the dryer being wrapped around him on a cold winter night. He’d been worried about bringing up anything that sounded too long term, even though Ryan seemed open to the idea of dating. There was starting a relationship, and there was “I never want to leave your side.”

As much as his intense feelings for Ryan had him leaning toward the latter, he knew better than to voice those words. If this was going to last, he couldn’t rush things. He’d hit his quota of acting crazy already.

Ryan tightened his grip on the back of Braxton’s neck. “You will tell me what suddenly has you looking so serious.” He glanced toward the door at a knock. “After I get the pizza.”

The warm, mouthwatering scent of fresh bread, melted cheese, bacon, and spicy sauce filled the room as Ryan carried the pizza in, waiting for Braxton to set all the towels in the basket before placing the box, along with two cans of root beer, on the table.

Opening the box, Ryan considered Braxton for a moment. “I’d feed you, but I’ve found that rather difficult to do with pizza. Hot pizza sauce on your naked chest wouldn’t be as sexy as it sounds.”

“That does not sound sexy at all.”

Pulling a piece of pizza free, Ryan shot him a crooked grin. “I’d lick it off and make you feel all better.”

“I don’t think I should be eating naked. Ever. This is starting to sound dangerous.” He gave a fake shudder at the idea of hot pizza sauce anywhere else, but his dick was not thinking of the potential pain. Groaning, he shifted as it hardened. “Do not consider this interest.”

Bursting out laughing as Braxton pointed at his dick, Ryan nodded toward the pizza. “Eat. You’ll need your energy. I promise not to eat anything off of you that will give you second degree burns.”

“That should be much more reassuring than it is.”

“Mhmm.” Ryan took a bite of pizza, watching Braxton do the same. He put his piece of pizza on the lid of the pizza box and opened his can of root beer, taking a few gulps before he spoke again. “I will never do lasting damage to you, pet. If it’s Copyright 2016 - 2024