Neutral Zone Trap - Bianca Sommerland Page 0,33

gone all the time and being full of energy and eating a lot and being…” Okay, maybe this was too much honesty? Ryan looked ready to laugh as Braxton tried to figure out all the negative things about himself. “Being way too chatty.”

“You do tend to rush out words, but it doesn’t bother me. You’re also capable of having an intelligent conversation. And you’re passionate about everything. I like that.” Ryan leaned forward and kissed him, letting out a laugh against his lips. “But you smell like the inside of my gym bag and it’s rather distracting. Come, I think it’s time I show you how I enjoy caring for my pet.”

Cheeks heating, Braxton stood as Ryan did. “Sorry, I didn’t think I was that bad. I took a shower yesterday, but I kinda bummed around the house and slept in my clothes.”

“I figured it was something like that. If it’s any consolation, my gym bag doesn’t smell anything like yours probably does. I keep what belongs to me very clean.” Ryan slid his hand around the back of Braxton’s neck. “Unless I choose to get it messy. I haven’t decided which way I want you right now. Maybe a little of both?”

How that could be accomplished, Braxton had no idea. But the firm grip on the back of his neck and the lust in Ryan’s eyes had him eager to find out.

Like the rest of Ryan’s house, the area at the top of the stairs was all in natural, masculine colors. He barely remembered anything but the bedroom since they’d spent most of their one night in there. He’d been on a sex high when he’d used the bathroom, but it was pretty standard. Big, clawfoot bath with a separate glass shower a few feet away, dark blue tiles, a plain sink with a small counter, a wicker hamper, and a rack above the toilet with necessities and thick, white towels.

The room smelled nice, a bit like some fresh kind of light scented cleaner and the fabric softener used on the towels. Braxton did his own laundry and cleaning, but his stuff never smelled this good. Always like harsh cleaners, plain laundry soap—even though his mom had gotten on his back to take the extra steps to make his clothes nice and soft. He’d never really cared before, but now he wished he was up to Ryan’s standards.

“You’re staring at my towels.” Ryan stepped up behind him, laughter in his tone as he pressed his lips to Braxton’s bare shoulder. “Please tell me you own some?”

“Of course I do. They’re just all worn out and stiff.”

“I’m sure they do the job.” Ryan stepped past him, leaning into the shower to turn on the spray. “If you ever do laundry here, I’ll show you what I expect.”

Braxton cocked his head. “That’s something you’d want me to do for you?”

“Mhmm, if service is part of submission that you enjoy. Or if you’re here often enough that you’ll need to do your share.” He chuckled when Braxton stared at him. “We are not spending the next two days with you fixated on there being a time limit. You’re not the only one who hopes this works out. I decided I wanted more time with you. I won’t be setting you up to fail.”

“But it’s still a test.”

Ryan inclined his head. “Yes. And so far, you’re doing well. Now get in.”

At first Braxton couldn’t meet Ryan’s eyes as he stepped into the shower. Was the man just gonna watch him wash to make sure he did a good job? He must be so fucking disgusted that—

His throat tightened as Ryan unbuttoned his shirt and hung it up behind the door. The air seemed to leave the room as Ryan undid his belt. Pulled off his pants and laid them on the counter. Fuck, the man was incredible. Every hard muscle, every inch of smooth skin, slightly more tanned than the last time they’d been together as though he’d spent a lot of time in the sun. Even the light hair on his chest and his thighs seemed to be a bit lighter, as though the sun had given a golden hue to the dark brown hair, though that was probably just the lighting in the bathroom.

When Ryan stepped into the shower, Braxton licked his lips, moving deeper under the spray to give him more room. His gaze dropped to Ryan’s dick, nice and thick and already half erect. He wanted to get on Copyright 2016 - 2024