Neutral Zone Trap - Bianca Sommerland Page 0,3

enjoying their conversation. But maybe Terry was worried for a reason.

Yeah, because you’re new here and he doesn’t think you can make your own decisions.

Could he though? This was…different. Picking up a chick with Hunt was easy. Being a pro athlete? Yeah, there were girls really into that. But Braxton didn’t want them.

And now he was on the other side. The one being picked up. Maybe.

He wanted to see where this went.

He met Terry’s concerned gaze. “He’s not bothering me, but thank you.”

“All right, honey.” Terry placed his hand on Braxton’s shoulder and leaned close. “He’s a good man, I’m not afraid he’ll do anything bad. But…baby, don’t expect too much. Some people are only their real selves here, you feel me?”

“I do.” Braxton licked his bottom lip. “I think…I think that’s me too.”

“I hate hearing that.” Terry patted his cheek. “But I hope you’ll come back. No matter what, okay? You’re welcome here.”

With that, Terry slipped away, serving the rest of the drinks on his tray around as the show began.

A quick sip of the drink in front of him and Braxton let out a soft, pleased sound of appreciation. He’d mostly drank beer and a few shots of tequila, but this was so much better. Like sour lemon drops with a kick. He took another sip and licked his lips.

“You should try this.” He turned to the man at his side, holding up the drink. “It’s so much better than beer.”

The man chuckled. “I’ve had a whiskey sour before, but you’re making me wonder if I’m missing something, never having it here.” He took the glass and tipped it to his lips. “Oh yeah, that’s very good.”

“Do you want one? I can ask him to get another if you—”

“Tell me something…” The man paused. Waited, brow arched.

“Richards. Or…well, my name’s Braxton.” Head flooded his cheeks.

Very smooth.

Inclining his head, the man handed back his glass. “Ryan Hamilton.”

“Nice to meet you.” Braxton took a long gulp. He couldn’t tear his attention from the man, even though whatever was happening on stage was drawing the attention of everyone else in the room. He recalled what Ryan had said when he’d first come over and started undoing his jacket. “And you’re right, I shouldn’t be wearing this in here, I—”

“Wait.” Ryan’s eyes heated as he took in the mesh shirt in the part of the jacket. “Fuck, you take that off and you’re going to have tons of offers. You’re so fucking new and it’s too fucking obvious. Keep it on.”

Braxton stilled. Chewed on his bottom lip. “I’m not that young. And maybe I want people to offer. Tomorrow I have to go back to my life and pretend I’m…someone else.”

“That’s tomorrow.” Ryan reached out and wrapped his hand around Braxton’s wrist. “Tonight you can forget about all that. I won’t let anyone near you.”

Laughing, Braxton stared at Ryan’s hand. “Kinda defeats the purpose.”

“Not if you let me take you home with me.” Ryan’s jaw tightened, as though he regretted making the offer. He released Braxton and shifted back. “I shouldn’t have said that. You’re here to have fun. Why don’t you watch the dancers and—”

There was no way he could even look at the dancers now. A man like Ryan hitting on him was beyond anything he’d hoped for tonight. He wanted Ryan’s hand on his again. Wanted him to keep looking at him like he was fucking edible. Wanted him to satisfy every urge that had been denied over and over again.

“What happens if I go home with you?” Braxton wasn’t usually this bold. When sex was involved, Hunt was there, leading the way and making sure they checked off all the right boxes. Find a woman who looked right if pictures leaked. Was famous enough to not want to talk badly about them for attention. Was willing and knew exactly what to expect from them.

Which was a good time.

But Braxton wasn’t trying to erase that woman. He was trying to erase Hunt. Which would be harder. Hunt was his friend. Was close to him. He could talk to Hunt.

About everything except something like this. But so far, Ryan seemed to get it. How new this was. How important. Maybe Ryan was exactly who Braxton needed. Not just a hookup, but someone willing to explore all these feelings.

“Braxton, I’m not looking for a relationship. If you are…” Ryan shook his head. “Don’t. Not yet. You’ve got time for that. But you need to be careful. A lot of men here Copyright 2016 - 2024