Neutral Zone Trap - Bianca Sommerland Page 0,28

back. But at the sound of a fist hitting flesh, he smiled.

His boy had good friends. They’d take care of him.

At least until Ryan claimed that responsibility. Then Braxton’s safety, and his discipline, would be up to him.

Looks like you’ve made up your mind about what to do with him then, Hamilton.

He let out a soft laugh and shook his head as he hit the street and headed to his car.

Looks like.

Chapter 10

Ever since that morning with Pischlar, Braxton had been…off. He’d been enjoying the freedom of not giving a fuck about sex and who he fooled around with, but when he’d heard that door slam he knew he’d gone too far. Maybe it wasn’t hurting him, he’d shut himself off from being emotionally attached to anyone, but White was his friend.

White had fun fucking you.

Braxton slumped back on his bed and put his hands over his face. He wasn’t a complete fool, he’d figured out that White only played along after rescuing Braxton from his own stupidity because Pischlar was there. And White was in love with Pischlar.

He just hadn’t accepted it yet.

And Braxton had just made things so much more difficult for them both, simply by being there. By being the type of toy Pischlar liked playing with, while White was still confused and incapable of being that detached.

He really hoped they’d work it out and not end up like him, still trying to get noticed by the man who’d tossed him aside months ago. How pathetic could Braxton be? Why couldn’t he just forget about Ryan? Why couldn’t he keep being as carefree as Pischlar?

Not that Pischlar’s attitude was working out for him. He’d been uncharacteristically quiet after White left. Still kind to Braxton, but there was no mistaking the subtle hints that he wanted him to leave. Days later and things still felt unsettled. The team needed Braxton to give his all, and he was, but off the ice the rest of his life was…on hold.

But maybe it didn’t have to be anymore. Ryan’s reaction had made things clearer than ever. He’d walked out. He didn’t care.

There was no point in chasing after that dream of who Ryan was anymore. He wasn’t interested. He’d never be interested. It would be best to leave him as a sweet memory, Braxton’s first real lover, his first connection.

His first heartbreak.

Rolling his eyes at that, Braxton sat up, then pushed off the bed. He was being pathetic. He’d been pathetic for a while, even though he’d made the effort to explore his options. If he’d fooled around with someone other than White, things wouldn’t have gotten so messed up.

His first clue should’ve been “I’m straight…I think.”

No more boys who were questioning. And sure as hell no more girls. That wasn’t fair to anyone.

He might not be ready to come out publicly, but he knew what he wanted, and it wasn’t to play a role anymore. He also couldn’t be acting out and getting on stage, or he’d lose the one thing he was sure of in his life.

His career.

But he was freaking restless and lonely and he couldn’t just mope around his apartment. He strode across his room, glancing in the mirror as he passed and making a face. He was a mess. His shirt and jeans looked slept in. Because they had been. If he had a game today he’d shower and shave and pull himself together, but the team was on a rare long stretch between games. Four days, two without even practice because Coach wanted them to rest up after their last road trip.

So whatever. He’d go out like this, keep his head down under a random ball cap, and grab a beer somewhere local. Maybe a few beers. He needed to find a way to unwind.

Two hours later and a couple of drinks in and he wasn’t feeling any better. His problems hadn’t gone away, he’d simply found a new location to try to avoid them in. And was failing.

By his side a stool was dragged out. There was a heavy sigh.

He stiffened, lifting his head slowly.

Ryan stared back at him, lips slanted with amusement as Braxton jumped back and almost fell over. He put a steadying hand on Braxton’s arm and clucked his tongue. “All that effort to get my attention and you try to run the second you have it?”

Lips parted, Braxton quickly shook his head. “I’m not. I—what are you doing here?”

“I was heading to your place to talk to you and saw Copyright 2016 - 2024