Neutral Zone Trap - Bianca Sommerland Page 0,24

good friend?”

Braxton shrugged, not sure what to say. He almost wished he could go back to admiring Hunt and being close without things being weird. But Hunt acted like a pat on the shoulder was pushing his new limits. Like he didn’t even know how to talk to Braxton anymore.

Losing both Ryan and Hunt? Braxton was just…done. He preferred White’s straightforward way of dealing with the world. He seemed happy, even if things were weird between him and Pisch. Maybe he could give Braxton some tips on how to shut the complicated shit out.

“Hey, I was thinking…” White rubbed his jaw as they got off the elevator. “There were a few chicks down there in the hotel restaurant that seemed interested. One gave me her number. She works here and was on break. If you want maybe we could invite her and her friends to my room.”

Throat locking, Braxton did his best to keep his expression neutral. He hadn’t wanted this with White. He’d had enough of trying to be good with girls for Hunt. He always felt like shit when he couldn’t get hard and a woman wondered if she’d done something wrong. With Hunt he’d been able to focus on how attracted he was to the man and forget how wrong every touch was. How much he wished they were alone.

“Drinks first.” He followed White into the room and collapsed on his bed, one arm over his eyes. “Then…whatever.”

“Dude, what’s going on with you?” White dropped onto the bed beside him, reaching for the phone. He ordered some burgers, a case of beer and a bottle of whiskey without waiting for Braxton’s answer. After he hung up he turned on his side, frowning. “Hey…that whole thing with the bike? Did you ever get that worked out?”

Braxton let out a strained laugh. He almost wished White knew the bike thing was a cover, but he wasn’t sure the man would get why things with Ryan were still eating at him.

“No, the bike thing is…over I guess. I’ll probably never see it again.”

“That really sucks.”

“Yeah.” There really wasn’t much else to say. Braxton was relieved when the food and drinks got there. He laughed at the look White gave him when he opened his burger and took the pickles out. He couldn’t stand the things, but he had a feeling White wanted to make sure he ate.

He did. Both of his hamburgers and some fries before he started drinking.

The TV and whatever was music playing became background noise. He clinked his shot glass with White’s, then downed his third shot. Nodded when White said they should slow down and have some beer. His head was nice and numb, and they didn’t have another game for two days, but he didn’t want to get sick.

Sitting at the round table near the window, Braxton snacked on his cooling fries, then took a sip of his second beer. He watched White pace the room, arching a brow when White poured them each another shot.

“I’m a bad influence.” White groaned, throwing back the shot and staring at his phone. “Fuck, why does everyone talk about me and Pisch so much? He’s my friend. That’s…that’s it.”

Braxton took his own shot, then shrugged. “If it makes you feel any better, I checked out some fanfic online and people fantasize about full out team gangbangs. I laughed at first, but then…not gonna lie, some of it was hot.”

“Really?” White brought the bottle to his lips, not even bothering with a glass anymore. “Where are they getting those ideas from, though? I mean, half the guys on the team are married.”

“Not quite half, but I don’t think it matters. Those teens are trying to see something that’s like them, you know?” Braxton gulped down his beer. Considered asking White for the whiskey, then settled on more beer. Which he was probably going to regret. “I used to look for that a lot.”

Shut up! What are you doing?

He wasn’t sure anymore. Watching White tug at his tie, he swallowed hard. All the times he’d been alone with White, he’d fought really hard to be cool. To say the right things. To act the right way. He didn’t need to think of all those muscles, all that strength. Didn’t need to wonder if White was interested, because he wasn’t. Obviously, he wasn’t.

But…but what if I’m wrong?

He pushed away from the table and went to the wonderful bed where he could sleep everything off and tomorrow things could go back to Copyright 2016 - 2024