Neutral Zone Trap - Bianca Sommerland Page 0,20

cut. There was nothing more to say.

Then he heard a deep breath. “If I had waited, would you have called me?”

Pressing his eyes shut, Ryan sighed. Honesty might help Braxton with his next relationship. Or…well, not like they’d had a relationship, but this phone call had destroyed the chance they could have anything.

“Yes. But that doesn’t matter now.” Ryan shot his sister a quick smile at her concerned look. “Goodbye.”

Chapter 6

The best thing Braxton could do was forget about Ryan, but he couldn’t. He’d messed up by calling him. He should’ve waited.

Instead, he’d told Vanek he wanted to ask the detective they’d seen at the forum for some more information—which got him a weird look from his teammate, but the man had simply given him Laura’s number. What Braxton had expected from the call, he couldn’t say.

Not Ryan shutting him down, that was for sure.

So what now? He groaned as he pushed himself to catch up with White, who he’d called that morning, asking if the man wanted to go for a run. Hunt had been making himself scarce ever since things in the locker room had gotten tense and comments about people being gay were whispered more often. Braxton hoped he hadn’t done anything to freak his friend out.

Yeah, he’d had a crush on Hunt, but as far as he knew, the man was straight. He wouldn’t intentionally do anything to make him uncomfortable and their friendship meant more than anything. Focusing on Ryan, on what he thought they might have was better.

But still pointless.

Maybe he was meant to be alone. Maybe Ryan was right and he should just have fun. Not think too much about with who. Not care if they ghosted him the next day.

“Pick up the pace rookie.” White turned around, running backwards as he waited for Braxton to join him along the pier, which was almost completely cleared of snow. “You usually run with Hunt and he’s a beast. You ain’t hurting, are you?”

A little? But Braxton forced a smile, knowing that wasn’t what White meant. “I’m good, just not sleeping as much as I should. Fucking excited to make the playoffs!”

“I hear you!” White grinned, facing forward again and slowing his pace to an easy jog. “Barely a week home and we’re off on another road trip, but I love that shit. Except for the flying.”

“Yeah, sucks that you hate it so much. I love the view, looking down and seeing a new city, knowing I get to experience things I wouldn’t have gotten a chance to if I hadn’t made it this far.” Braxton smiled at the thought. As confusing as his personal life was, he’d always have hockey. He was good at hockey. Maybe not the best, but he could work on that.

And to be real, he didn’t need any distractions. Not before the playoffs.

White slowed even more, reaching out to rub the back of Braxton’s neck. “You’re just getting started kid. And don’t worry about me. Pisch gets me through the flights.”

“Uh huh.”

“What do you mean, ‘uh huh’?” White frowned and let his hand fall to his side as he stopped. “He tries. I know I still look all fucked up, but it would be worse if he wasn’t there.”

“I know, man. It’s just…” Braxton decided to drop it. ‘It’ being what he saw going on between White and Shawn Pischlar. For all he knew about relationships, he could be way off. And White didn’t get subtleties, so teasing him was cruel. “It’s nothing. I’m glad he can help you a bit at least.”

Expression warming, as though talking about Pischlar made him happy, White nodded. “He really does. And I’m lucky he’s so patient. I’m a mess.”

“You are not. Come on, not being good on planes isn’t—”

“I mean this.” White gestured to the ankle monitor he had to wear for ‘aggravated assault’ after defending Pischlar from a bunch of homophobic assholes at a local gym. “Do you know how much paperwork the team had to do so I could travel with the team?” He hesitated. “Speaking of all that shit, I have to check in with the cop who’s monitoring me to tell her where I’m gonna be on the road trip. Wanna come with?”

“Sure. I…I had a bike stolen and wanted to see if there was any news anyway.”

Shit. What am I doing?

Showing up at the police station, he might see Ryan. And Ryan had made it clear they were done.


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