Neutral Zone Trap - Bianca Sommerland Page 0,16

on the ice the other night fucking killing it! You were playing with Zovko and some rando who couldn’t pass for shit, but I was impressed. Hopefully Coach starts giving you more playing time.”

Spooner’s face reddened. He shot Braxton a glare that promised revenge, but seriously, what could he do when he’d be sent back down to the minors starting tomorrow? Braxton ignored him and followed Vanek out to the player’s lounge.

“We lost, but thanks anyway. It’ll be good to have you back.”

“Don’t I know it.” Vanek walked with him through the parking garage exit, letting out a low whistle when Braxton pulled out his keys and pressed the remote starter for his car. “Holy shit, kid. Nice ride!”

Braxton’s cheeks heated and he shrugged as Vanek circled his new, gunmetal black Zenvo ST1, clear admiration in his eyes. The same expression Braxton probably had when he’d been checking out cars and the owner of the shop had brought him to look at this one.

“I can’t really afford this.” Braxton brushed his fingers along the hood of the car, voice barely above a whisper. “But…”

“You’re a professional hockey player who’ll be getting a big contract next year. I’m sure you’ll manage.”

Can I? Braxton swallowed hard. He didn’t pay much in rent, sharing a small condo with another player who owned the place. He’d tried saving up a bit, but his agent was always on his back about wearing nice, expensive suits and ‘looking the part’.

Maybe a car like this would get the man off his case.

“I guess I’d have to see if the bank would approve or whatever?” Shit, why had he come here alone? One of his teammates likely would’ve come with him, only he didn’t feel close enough to anyone besides Hunt to ask. And all Hunt’s money was managed by his father, so he didn’t get to buy fun stuff at all.

Bringing him along would be like rubbing it in his face.

The car salesman, who’d introduced himself as Erik Patterson, gave Braxton a smile that was both encouraging, and understanding. “Your first new car is a big deal, son. Would you feel better if you had a parent here? Or maybe a friend you could talk this over with?”

Braxton shook his head. “Both my parents are enlisted. My dad shipped out last month and my mom’s been running training exercises in the Ukraine for the past year.”

“That’s impressive. I thank them both for their service.” Mr. Patterson stroked his jaw. “Let me tell you what I’ll tell my own boy when he’s your age. A car like this is a good investment. You can tell a lot about a man by the car he drives and this one says you’re successful and have good taste. You’re on the road a lot, so she’ll be kept in mint condition, only being used to make an impact now and then. In a few years you could sell her when you’re ready to settle down—assuming you’re not considering doing so already.”

For some reason, that made him think of Ryan. Who’d disappeared and seemed to think he was too young to be serious about anything. He might want to see the man again, more than anything, but he also wanted to prove him wrong.

Braxton was old enough to know what he wanted.

And right now he wanted this damn car.

He met Mr. Patterson’s eyes. “Show me where to sign.”

The payments on the car, and the insurance he hadn’t considered, were going to bury him if he didn’t get a good contract soon. Seeing the actual numbers kept him up at night and he was pretty sure he’d made a horrible mistake.

But he forced a smile as Vanek stepped up to his side. “Thanks. It’s the only one in the Maritimes. Pricey, but fucking worth it.”

“I’d say.” Vanek let out a heavy sigh. “I love my car, but sometimes I wish I could just collect them, you know? But after being out of commission for so long, I try not to be stupid with my money. Not saying you were, but that’s some fucking confidence. Your agent must be a damn good negotiator.”

“Yeah…” Braxton wasn’t sure how to respond to that. His agent wasn’t bad, but he seemed more concerned with Braxton having the right image than actually getting him brand deals or even talking about his new contract.

A familiar voice jerked Braxton away from his thoughts and his lips parted as Ryan stepped into view with Laura Tallent, one of the two women Copyright 2016 - 2024