Neutral Zone Trap - Bianca Sommerland Page 0,14

Braxton home yet. He laughed when Braxton gave him a sleepy smile and brought the man back to his bed. Fucked him one last time when they were both half asleep because he couldn’t resist. Let himself cherish the final moments when Braxton got up before him and fixed a horrible cup of coffee. He even choked down every last sip.

Then he got dressed and made the excuse that he had to get to work. Which he didn’t. He wouldn’t have been at the club if he had to work today.

But he knew his limits. And he’d reached them.

Thankfully, Braxton didn’t argue when he offered to drive him home. Didn’t say a word until they were there.

By that time, Ryan had accepted this would be the last time they ever spoke.

But he’d never forget that smile. And couldn’t help wish he didn’t have to.

“Thanks for the ride.” Braxton walked around the car to the driver’s side, chewing on his bottom lip. He didn’t want this to be over. He liked Ryan. A lot. And not just because the sex had been amazing.

He liked talking to Ryan. He liked the way Ryan took over and made him feel comfortable in his own skin. Every inch of his body smelled like the man, like he’d left his mark, and he couldn’t let that go.

“I should’ve called you a cab.” Ryan’s tone was distant, and he wouldn’t meet Braxton’s eyes. He’d meant it when he said tonight was a one-time thing.

But he was wrong.

It wasn’t meant to be. Maybe Ryan thought he was too young. Too inexperienced. He was a cop, so he was probably worried about shit Braxton hadn’t thought of yet, but they could work on that.

He leaned in, stealing a quick kiss and smiling against Ryan’s lips. “I’ll call you.”

“Sure.” Ryan looked away. “Take care, Braxton. Remember what I said.”

“I will.” Braxton stepped away from the curb. Sighed as Ryan pulled out and drove away. He wasn’t good at this. He had no idea what to do next. But he’d figure it out.

Ryan didn’t want to forget him, but he had this whole idea of how things should go. An awesome night. Nothing complicated. Just memories.

Could he stick to that if they saw one another again?

Braxton didn’t know. But he would damn well find out.

Only one problem.

He didn’t have Ryan’s number. And calling 911 to get it probably wouldn’t go over well. He didn’t want to push too hard, but he already knew Ryan would be impossible to forget.

Maybe Ryan could forget him easily, but he doubted it. He smiled as he quietly let himself into the apartment he shared with a teammate. He couldn’t share what had happened last night with anyone, but it stuck with him as he took a shower, then crawled into bed. As he dreamt of Ryan holding him, even though he wasn’t sure the man had actually done it.

Didn’t matter. There would be a next time. There had to be.

He had to believe the next time Ryan saw him, he’d want more. He’d admit they had something worth exploring. First, he had to make sure there’d be a next time.

But he wasn’t too worried. He’d find a way. He hadn’t become a professional hockey player by letting opportunities slip away. And he knew an opportunity when he saw it.

This definitely fit.

Chapter 4

Two weeks and Braxton still hadn’t figured out how to get in touch with Ryan. He’d stopped by the club, ignoring all the other men who hit on him and tried to watch the dancers on stage rather than the doors, but that got him nowhere. Terry brought him drinks and kept the creepy dudes that hung around back, giving Braxton this pitying look before making small talk.

For the first night anyway.

On the second night, near closing time, he finally pulled out the stool next to Braxton and sat down, facing him. “Honey, I hate seeing you waiting on that man. And I say that as his friend. He’s on a big case right now, so he won’t be back for a while, but you need to know that when he does start coming again, he’s not going to give you what you want.”

Braxton frowned down at his glass full of ice, avoiding Terry’s concerned gaze. “You have no idea what I want.”

“It’s more than sex or you’d notice the hot guys I keep sending your way.” Terry let out an irritated huff when Braxton laughed. “It’s not funny. You’re a sweet kid—yes, Copyright 2016 - 2024