Needing You Close - Kennedy Fox Page 0,4

smacks them down on my leg.

“Gotta be careful around your brother, sweetie. Don’t get too close,” Maddie walks over and places his toys on the couch next to me instead.

After a few more minutes, Maddie takes Tobias, and Tyler zeros in on me. He climbs on the sofa and takes out each truck, stacking them on my legs until I’m covered. It’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen, and it makes me wish we lived closer so I could be in his life more. I plan to visit more, though, especially since Maddie and Liam are determined to pop out kids every couple of years.

I’m so damn thankful Serena suggested I surprise them with a visit. For the rest of the afternoon, we hang out and catch up. I play with Tyler and keep him occupied so Maddie and Liam can tend to the baby.

When dinnertime comes around, I volunteer to cook. Maddie demands I make Cajun chicken pasta, so I do. Once we’re done eating and Tyler’s tucked into bed, Liam grabs a couple of beers, and we sit out on the patio until after the sun goes down. We talk about old times, and I realize even more how much I’ve missed his company. I go to bed with a smile on my face, which is a stark difference from only twenty-four hours ago.

The next morning, I wake up and make breakfast—biscuits, country gravy, sausage, and eggs. Maddie’s in love with it all and demands I stay, which sounds just like my sister.

After Liam and I clean the kitchen, I realize it’s almost time for me to go to the airport. Just mentioning I need to go has Maddie emotional. Once I’m packed, I give her a hug goodbye, and she squeezes me tight.

“You better come back and visit us!”

“I will,” I promise.

“And bring Gemma with you,” she adds when we break apart.

“Sure. I’ll make sure her fiancé comes too. It’ll be a big ole threesome,” I mock.

“We better get on the road,” Liam interrupts.

I give Tyler a high five, then Liam and I leave. There’s no traffic, so we arrive at the airport earlier than expected.

As I grab my bag from the back seat, Liam speaks up, “Our house is always open to you, Tyler. Don’t be a stranger.”

“I won’t. But hey, when Tobias is a little older, y’all come visit me so I can show you around. Wouldn’t suggest coming in the summer, though, unless you wanna have a heatstroke.” I chuckle at the memories of Liam telling me stories of Maddie being pregnant all summer and how miserable she was.

“Yeah, maybe someday. I’ll miss you, bro,” Liam tells me as I step out of his SUV.

“You too. We’ll keep in touch,” I vow, then walk inside.

Goodbyes are always the hardest, especially when I’m leaving people I love. It’s probably why I try to avoid saying them. Before I board, I text Everleigh and remind her when my flight lands. While I hate to leave my friends in Sacramento, I’m happy to be going back to Lawton Ridge—a sentiment I never thought I’d feel.

Chapter Two


When I climb into Robert’s car, my skin feels like it’s melting off my body. I’m ready to internally combust after Victoria dropped the bomb that our wedding has been moved up. Robert thinks he’s so cunning, but I see through this act, and I’m disgusted I fell for it. It should’ve clicked that something was going on when Winnie messaged me more than usual this weekend. I went from talking to her every other week to getting questions every ten minutes. It all makes perfect sense now.

During the drive to his house, Robert goes on and on about how excited he is that Victoria’s interested in his company. I don’t respond to anything he says and stare out the window. Instead, I get lost in my thoughts, wishing I were anywhere but here. When we pull into his driveway, he notices I’m not playing the part of the ecstatic fiancée. After client dinners, he loves to have his ego stroked, but I’m not in the mood tonight. Too many revelations have come to light, and I’m questioning our relationship in a way I never have before.

Over the past few months, I’ve seen glimpses of this side of him, but I always made excuses for his behavior. I’d blame it on his drinking or jealousy, but there’s an underlying issue that’s bigger than I ever imagined. It’s frightening not to truly know Copyright 2016 - 2024