Needing You Close - Kennedy Fox Page 0,17

his admissions. I suck in a deep breath, needing to say something as he stares at me.

“I guess that makes sense. The only reason I said it was a mistake is because I’m not the type of woman who cheats. I’m faithful. Until you came back, I thought I was in love with Robert. Seeing you again peeled back the layers of the fake relationship I had built up in my head, and it exposed too many ugly truths. I was literally having an existential crisis. But the chili was great,” I say, trying to lighten the mood.

He laughs. “I was gonna ask you about that actually.”

“I would’ve brought some leftovers for you the next day, but I thought it’d be awkward, so I happily ate the entire pot by myself.” While pathetically crying and rereading his letters.

He’s full on laughing. “At least that night wasn’t an entire waste.”

I smile and squeeze my legs together, trying to push away the thoughts of straddling him again. It’s almost as if he can read my mind because he adjusts himself. The water turns off, and our private time is about to be over. I still haven’t told Everleigh about that night, and I’m sure Tyler hasn’t said a word about it either. It’s something I’d like to keep between us for now.

“So when are you gonna drop the bomb on your dad?” he asks.

“I’m not sure. His disappointment might kill me, though. I need to do it soon before he hears about it from someone else. If I’m gonna spread the news that we broke up, then he needs to hear it from me,” I explain.

Tyler glances down at my ring finger. “You can start by not wearing that anymore.”

I groan at the sight of it, forgetting I even had it on. “You’re right. I need to give it back to him. And I should text Winnie before it gets too late.” I pull my phone from my pocket and notice my hand is shaking as I type up the message.

“I’m sorry you’re having to deal with this,” Tyler says, offering a smile.

“Me too!” Everleigh shouts from the hallway before she comes into view with Sassy on her heels.

“Thank you. Not sure what I’d do without you two.”

“Probably marry that asshole,” Everleigh blurts, which makes me snort. She grabs Sassy’s leash and takes her outside.

I reread the message I typed to Winnie before hitting send.

Gemma: Hi, Winnie. I want to be respectful and let you know that Robert and I are no longer getting married, so I’d appreciate it if you’d canceled all the plans. I’m grateful for the work you’ve done planning this wedding, but your services are no longer needed.

Considering how quickly she responded to me this weekend, I expect an instant reply, but wonder if I’ll get one. Everleigh returns with Sassy who trots over to Tyler and jumps in his lap.

“Hey, girl.” He pets her head, and she starts licking his face. “Too much, too much.”

“Sassy!” Everleigh snaps. “Come get a treat.” Once the magic word is said, Sassy jumps down and rushes to the kitchen.

I start yawning and feel as if I could fall asleep sitting up. When I check my phone to see if Winnie’s replied yet, I realize it’s almost nine. The past few days I’ve slept like shit, and I think it’s finally caught up to me.

“I should probably get going,” I say, getting up from the couch. Tyler stands, and Everleigh gives me a hug before telling me good night. She looks just as exhausted as me right now, but she’s been working extra hours at the boutique.

“Let me walk you out,” Tyler suggests, and butterflies flutter in the pit of my stomach.

“Okay,” I mutter as Everleigh goes to her room, and I swear I hear her chuckling under her breath.

I grab my keys from the counter, and Tyler follows. I wish I could take him home with me because when he’s around, I feel like nothing bad could happen. Tyler would protect me no matter what, and he’s been doing so since he showed up a few months ago. I was just too stubborn to realize I was in danger. Though, I never could’ve predicted that Robert was a wolf in sheep’s clothing, but looking back at the signs, I should have.

We go outside, and the mid-autumn breeze paints across my skin. This season has always reminded me of when Tyler left, the heartbreak that brought on was almost too much for Copyright 2016 - 2024