Need You Now - By Beth Wiseman Page 0,58

incident to Dave when Cara nodded and told her father it had been a good day.

Dave smiled. “I was surprised to see Cara in your arms, but I see now that progress is being made.” He gazed into Darlene’s eyes for a few moments. “Thank you. For everything.”

Darlene nodded, knowing she was blushing. “Cara is a great student.”

Dave instructed Cara to say good-bye, and they left. Darlene wanted to take some time to think about Cara’s comment before she decided if she should mention it to Dave or Myrna. Even though she didn’t want Cara to be confused, it warmed her heart that she and Cara had grown so much closer.

She left right after Dave and Cara, and as she drove past Layla’s house, she realized she hadn’t seen Layla since she’d dropped off her dress. Sometimes she felt guilty for not making more of an effort to be friends with her.

When Darlene pulled into her driveway at home, she wished she could wave a magic wand and have dinner on the table, the clothes folded, and the house clean. She climbed out of the car and noticed Brad’s car in the driveway too. Hmm . . .

As she opened the door, two aromas mingled into a heavenly scent that she recognized—the lemony fresh smell of a clean house and dinner in the oven. She kicked her shoes off and ran to the kitchen, noticing the spotless den along the way. Brad was stirring something on the stove.

“I do have a fairy godmother!” She ran over and wrapped her arms around him. “What are you doing home so early, and what happened to my house?” He leaned down, and she gratuitously kissed him several times. “And what do I smell?”

“I’m home early because I felt like doing something nice for my wife. The house is clean because I threatened the children. And this is pot roast with carrots and potatoes because you know that’s all I know how to cook. Besides hot dogs.” He winked, and Darlene didn’t think she could love him any more than at that moment.

“You are the best husband on the planet,” she said, meaning it. She stood perfectly still for a moment, then cupped a hand to her ear. “It’s too quiet in here.”

“Kids are all upstairs watching television and being very quiet like I told them to be.”

Darlene grinned. “Really?”

“Oh, and I told them they could all go out to eat pizza Friday night if they’d just keep it down for a while this evening.”

She pulled out a kitchen chair and sat down. Brad set a glass of tea in front of her.

“Thank you.” Darlene slumped down in the chair, took a sip of the tea, and sighed. “I’m so tired tonight.”

Brad put the lid on the roast, then took a seat across from her at their breakfast table in the kitchen. “Then maybe you should quit.”

Darlene sat taller. It was okay for her to consider her options, but she didn’t want Brad considering them for her. “No, I love my job, and the extra money is nice.”

Brad reached over and squeezed her hand. “As for the money . . . it’s no longer a concern. Feel free to do all the renovations on this house that you want.” His eyes twinkled as he spoke.

“Oh my gosh. You got partner!” Darlene bounced in her chair. “Didn’t you?”

Brad’s smile broadened. “Yes, my dear. I did.”

She jumped from her chair and into his lap. “I knew you would.” She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him all over his face. “I’m so proud of you.”

He cupped her cheek, kissed her on the mouth. “So now you can quit, and things will be back to how they used to be.”

Darlene fought the tinge of bitterness that crept into her heart, suddenly not sure if she wanted things to go back exactly as they’d been. “I don’t know . . . it would be hard to quit. I mean, I know I’m tired, and everyone has to pitch in around here, but . . .” She shrugged. “It makes me feel independent.”

“I didn’t know that you didn’t feel independent before. Have I ever told you what to do or not do, what to spend, or anything else?” Brad rubbed his chin as he cocked his head to one side.

“No. That’s not it.” She shrugged again. “I don’t know. I’ll think about it.” She thought about the money she’d been saving for the floors. Maybe even whisk Copyright 2016 - 2024